Ting Paying ETFs for Customers Who Switch via Service Credit
Sprint MVNO Ting makes an offer to customers of competing carriers under contract to switch without ETF hassles, starting next month.
ETF Out: T-Mobile Preparing Harsh Data Roaming Limits
T-Mobile is preparing a harsh wave of new data roaming limitations, which will curtail data usage on roaming networks. The carrier has, for years, touted transparent roaming terms; customers were educated to treat domestic data and voice roaming as same-as-home network functionality, albeit with the restrictions that came with other GSM networks. Namely, other networks […]
Sprint’s Premium Device Fee Material Change, Our ETF Out Dilemma
As you may have heard today, Sprint will start assessing new fees for customers who swap 3G smartphones on Everything Plans after January 30th. Customers are facing a mandatory bill increase of $120/year for swapping phones they already own. If you haven’t seen our previous coverage, please read it first to avoid confusion. Sprint has […]
AT&T Changing ETF Structure on June 1st (Updated)
AT&T has confirmed that will be making major changes to its ETF structure on June 1st ahead of the announcement of the iPhone HD. While the carrier insists the changes are not directly related to the pending launch of the device, the changes to the structure coincide with the shift in consumer device choice to […]
ETF-Out: Kansas Customers Can Cancel Verizon Sans Termination Fee
Kansas customers have at least one week to cancel service and not pay a termination fee on Verizon Wireless. Verizon has implemented a fee recovery charge on Kansas customers, called the KUSC. Quoting Verizon: “The KUSC is a Verizon Wireless charge, not a tax, and is subject to change. Please refer to “Our Rights To […]
Carriers, Google Respond to Latest FCC ETF Inquiry
Following the previous FCC inquiry, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless along with Google have once again responded to the FCC’s ETF inquiry by stating their defense of early termination fees.

Google Halves Termination Fee for Nexus One Returns to $150
In the wake of the uproar over Google’s $350 fee for returning the Nexus One before the end of the T-Mobile service agreement that is required for the subsidized $180 price, Google has cut its “recovery fee” to $150 on top of T-Mobile’s prorated $200 ETF. This move also comes during repeated FCC inquiries concerning […]
FCC Sends Letters of Inquiry to AT&T, Verizon, Google, T-Mobile and Sprint Regarding Early Termination Fees
The FCC has expanded its formal inquiry into wireless carrier practices first conducted last month by sending formal letters to AT&T, Google, T-Mobile and Sprint along with Verizon Wireless regarding each respective companies’ methods for explaining the early termination fee to their customers. The FCC stated in letters to the companies on Tuesday that since […]
Verizon to Increase ETF on Smartphones Beginning November 15th (Updated)
An internal document has been leaked confirming that Verizon Wireless will raise the ETF on customers that purchase what it classifies as an “Advanced Device” (smartphone) from the carrier to $350 beginning on November 15th. The ETF will decrease by $10 for each month the customer remains with the carrier during the 1 or 2 […]