Verizon Makes Changes To ETF Policy, Pushes Back ETF Discount On Agreement By Eight Months
Verizon makes 2-year agreements less attractive by delaying the ETF reduction to the 8th month of service.
Sprint’s Premium Device Fee Material Change, Our ETF Out Dilemma
As you may have heard today, Sprint will start assessing new fees for customers who swap 3G smartphones on Everything Plans after January 30th. Customers are facing a mandatory bill increase of $120/year for swapping phones they already own. If you haven’t seen our previous coverage, please read it first to avoid confusion. Sprint has […]
ETF-Out: Kansas Customers Can Cancel Verizon Sans Termination Fee
Kansas customers have at least one week to cancel service and not pay a termination fee on Verizon Wireless. Verizon has implemented a fee recovery charge on Kansas customers, called the KUSC. Quoting Verizon: “The KUSC is a Verizon Wireless charge, not a tax, and is subject to change. Please refer to “Our Rights To […]
Carriers, Google Respond to Latest FCC ETF Inquiry
Following the previous FCC inquiry, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless along with Google have once again responded to the FCC’s ETF inquiry by stating their defense of early termination fees.
Google Halves Termination Fee for Nexus One Returns to $150
In the wake of the uproar over Google’s $350 fee for returning the Nexus One before the end of the T-Mobile service agreement that is required for the subsidized $180 price, Google has cut its “recovery fee” to $150 on top of T-Mobile’s prorated $200 ETF. This move also comes during repeated FCC inquiries concerning […]
Brief Sprint ETF Out Update
We’re still looking into the issue with Sprint, following up on their current Regulatory Fee ETF Out. Many customers that are affected by the fee increase, are being told to wait until another billing cycle. We know this is incorrect information that is being forwarded to customer service… we’re trying to track down how that […]
AT&T to Prorate ETFs, Allow Plan Changes Without Contract Changes in November
In a press release today, AT&T Mobility (the wireless arm of AT&T) has announced that they will be prorating early termination fees for all customers based on the amount of time since the start of the agreement beginning in November, making AT&T the second carrier in the US to follow Verizon in offering customers a […]