Contact Us & Submit News

At, we welcome your feedback, and always want to be tipped to the latest news. So, please submit both using the form below.

News submissions will be treated as sent anonymously unless otherwise noted. We do encourage you to leave an email address if you want us to reply, however.

[contact-form-7 id=”17700″ title=”Contact Us”]

Legal Disclaimer:

All submissions are treated with a strict anonymity policy. We do however, work diligently to respect the wishes of people that do not wish to remain anonymous, so please say in the message above if you want credit for your submission.

We respect the privacy of anonymous sources. We take efforts to not retain IP addresses, email addresses, or other information that we really don’t need.

All ideas, submissions, content, and documents that you submit become the property of We aren’t responsible for compensating you for what you send to us. By sending stuff to us, you agree to everything above (and anything below, for that matter).