HTC Reverses Course, Will Return To Midrange Devices
HTC reverses course on its flagship focus and will return to midrange phones this year

Deal: Selection Of Phones And Tablets Available for Up to 80% Off
Deals site DailySteals is offering a selection of tablets and phones for up to 80% off, making them perfect for backups or even upgrades to older devices

Verizon Details Amended Device Installment Plan Ahead of Official Launch
Verizon amends its Device Installment Plan to allow smartphone sales and will begin doing so starting this Sunday after making comments earlier this month.

Dell Finally Gives Up on Smartphones Worldwide, Focuses on Windows 8/RT
Dell confirms exit from smartphone market, refocuses on Windows tablets
Sprint Rolling Back Smartphone Restrictions on SERO Beginning October 1st
The segment of customers still under Sprint’s near incredible enthusiast friendly SERO plans are about to get what they’ve long desired since the availability of smart devices such as the HTC Hero and recent entries in the EVO 4G and forthcoming Epic 4G, as Sprint customer care representatives have confirmed that the carrier will allow […]

Microsoft’s Kin One and Kin Two Specs and Release Detailed
Following up, the technical specifications for the Kin One and Kin Two have also surfaced. The Kin One and Kin Two are powered by Nvidia’s Tegra chipset and the operating system is indeed based off of Windows Phone 7 according to project lead Roz Ho, although the capability to install applications has been excised in […]

New Best Buy Flyer Confirms April Verizon Launches
Following up on the HTC Incredible news yesterday, a new internal Best Buy launch flyer has surfaced confirming Verizon’s April launch lineup. The Samsung Reality U820 will launch on the 22nd, with the LG Cosmos and unknown 5600PP device will launch on the 25th, while the HTC Incredible will launch on the 29th.
Android 2.1 on All U.S. Android Phones, Including G1?
Following up, a report has stated that all currently available Android devices in the U.S. will be upgraded to Android 2.1 this year, including the T-Mobile G1 and myTouch 3G over the air. The report goes on to state that in order for the upgrades to be installed over the air, certain devices (such as […]
AT&T Forcing Data Plans on Unlocked and Unbranded Smartphones? (Updated)
Update: AT&T has responded, stating that the policy of forcing smartphone data plans regardless of subsidy has been in effect since the last major change in plan alignment last September, despite no explicit mention in the Terms and Conditions about the policy in regards to unlocked smart devices being used on the carrier. AT&T further […]

Nokia Releases Beta Next-Generation S60 Mail Client
Nokia is building on its 2005 purchase of Intellisync to offer a new email client aimed at providing a simplified email setup and a more graphically-pleasing user interface than the standard client found on its S60-powered smartphones. The new email beta client is available now for download from Nokia, but has limited functionality. Only one […]