Palm Pre Tip: Save Power with Bluetooth PAN for My Tether
Battery life is a huge issue plaguing the Palm Pre. Using My Tether to enable your ( tested, FCC approved) Wi-Fi tethering doesn’t help. While downloading files, you actually can wind up draining more power than what USB can provide. If this sounds familiar, you may have been using the HTC Mogul/Titan… it was the […]
Sprint Posts Pre webOS 1.2 Changelog
Sprint has posted the changelog for the forthcoming webOS 1.2 update, which inadvertently leaked last weekend via the system restore tool before being pulled. The changelog lists the update availability date for today, but no users have reported being notified of an update on their device. The update features the following fixes: -Enhanced copy feature […]
Amazon Begins Direct Sales of Sprint Palm Pre
Amazon has begun direct sales of Sprint’s flagship Palm Pre following Best Buy’s lead. The device is available for the same $199.99 pricepoint as sold through other sales channels, although it is currently listed with a 4-6 week shipping lead time. Encyclopedia: Palm Pre (CDMA)Buy the Sprint Palm Pre from Amazon
Verizon Announces Test Markets for LTE, Reiterates Palm Pre Release Early Next Year
During an investor earnings call this morning, CFO John Killian confirmed that Seattle and Boston will be the first test markets for the as yet proven standard ahead of the planned Q4 2010 commercial launch. The commercial launch will consist of up 30 additional markets ramping all the way up to an expected 100 million […]
Homebrew Developers Release WebOS Quick Install for PC and fileCoaster for Pre
The Palm Pre homebrew community has collectively developed a new desktop application to facilitate the installation of Palm Pre homebrew applications, distilling the process all the way down to a simple drag drop operation and the Pre counterpart in fileCoaster which allows for direct install of the same applications directly on the device, acting as […]
Palm Pre $99.99 at Best Buy In-Store Only (Updated)
Best Buy stores are currently offering the Sprint Palm Pre for $99.99 after new 2 year agreement or qualified upgrade without rebate requirements. This price is exclusive to store locations only and is not found on which still reflects the launch price of $199.99. Update: Best Buy marketing manager John Bernier has issued a […]
Palm Releases webOS 1.1.0 Update for Sprint Pre
Palm has released another major update for the Sprint Palm Pre after weeks of speculation. webOS 1.1.0 fixes Calendar reminder intervals to 15 minutes for timed events and 1 day for full daily events for events created on the device. This version is also notable for fixing native Apple iTunes sync after being broken by […]
Sprint Begins Online Palm Pre Sales
After launching exclusively via retail and Telesales due to initial inventory concerns, Sprint has begun direct online sales of the Palm Pre to new and upgrade eligible customers. The phone is available for $299.99 after new 2 year agreement before an additional $100 mail-in rebate, bringing the total to $199.99
iTunes Update Breaks Palm Pre Sync, iPhone 3G S File Dump
Apple has just rolled out iTunes 8.2.1 to users and it includes a foreboding message for owners of the Palm Pre, noting that the update includes bugfixes and “addresses an issue with verification of Apple devices”. Palm and Apple have been locked in a protracted PR batte regarding the ability of the Pre to sync […]
Sprint Pre Homebrew Not Dead
Following up on the announcement of the latest Sprint Palm Pre update, new information has surfaced on the extent of the fixes. The main issue being fixed was an exploit that was being used to install homebrew applications with unsigned code on non-root enabled phones by sending an email with the installer link. The problem […]