PS Vita: Where’s the GPS (Apps)?
The PlayStation Vita would probably have a great second coming, if it offered up one killer app. While the hardware may be there, the software sure isn’t. The PlayStation Vita is in a unique spot. Almost the same spot where Microsoft’s KIN was a long time ago. It’s a finished device that went too upscale. […]

Deal: Virgin Mobile Novatel Wireless MiFi 2200 – $19.99 Shipped
Virgin Mobile puts its first, and only 3G mobile hotspot on clearance.

Apple Quietly Updates Carrier Settings on Verizon LTE iPad, May Requires iTunes to Update
Apple updates the Verizon LTE iPad with new carrier settings, no word yet however on what exactly was changed.

Editorial: AT&T Already Playing Bandwidth-Charging Tricks with Online Services
Those fears of AT&T charging third-party web services for customer bandwidth, are rocketing towards reality.
ETF Out: T-Mobile Preparing Harsh Data Roaming Limits
T-Mobile is preparing a harsh wave of new data roaming limitations, which will curtail data usage on roaming networks. The carrier has, for years, touted transparent roaming terms; customers were educated to treat domestic data and voice roaming as same-as-home network functionality, albeit with the restrictions that came with other GSM networks. Namely, other networks […]
T-Mobile Discourages iPhone, Takes Heat, Then Supports iPhone
It’s been a busy week for T-Mobile. After refusing to comment to PhoneNews.com on T-Mobile testing 1900 MHz UMTS service in select markets, a direct effort to support unlocked iPhones, the carrier has made more depressing internal moves. It appears that the carrier has aborted plans to offer 3G on 1900 MHz, as the carrier […]
Sprint Confirms ETF Out for Mobile Broadband Changes
Following up on a previous report detailing next month’s mobile broadband changes which eliminate unlimited 4G access on tablets and mobile broadband cards, Sprint representative Emmy Anderson has confirmed that those customers that do not agree with the changes will be able to terminate service without a termination fee once notice of the changes is […]

FCC Reveals Huawei Sonic for T-Mobile with Full US 3G Support
The FCC has revealed the first images and details on T-Mobile’s next Android smartphone in the Huawei Sonic. According to the documentation the phone features 3G support on AT&T’s 3G bands with support for 42Mbps download speeds as well as T-Mobile’s AWS 1700 band along with Android Gingerbread and built-in NFC hardware. Other specifications include […]

Sprint Announces Novatel MiFi 3G/4G Mobile Hotspot for April 17th
Sprint has announced April 17th as the retail launch date for the long-awaited Novatel MiFi 3G/4G Mobile Hotspot. Pricing for the updated MiFi is set at $79.99 after instant discount and 2 year agreement. The new Novatel MiFi 3G/4G Mobile Hotspot features the debut of the embedded MiFi OS for developers to deploy new applications […]

Sprint Nixing $10 Premium Data Fee?
Sprint customers with 4G devices on standard Everything Data plans are reporting the removal of the additional $10 Premium Data fee from their accounts on the latest statements from the carrier, while those on SERO are also reporting the removal of the fee from those accounts as well.