Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “Deal: 32GB Motorola Xoom 3G/Wi-Fi Tablet – $179.99”

  1. Motorola Mobility Settles Litigation Over XOOM Trademark |

    […] the first 6 weeks of release before being discontinued in 2012, but not before recently receiving one last update from Verizon and […]

  2. Deal: Refurb Verizon Motorola XOOM 4G Tablet – $199.99 + Free Shipping |

    […] operating system as a whole. The tablet has also recently received one last shot in the arm with an update to Jelly Bean 4.1, keeping it relevant long after it was officially discontinued from sale. For those that have […]