Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

8 responses to “Verizon Wireless Launches LG enV2”

  1. James Chapman

    I am very interested in purchasing this phone however, i cannot seem to find anywhere, in stores or on the web, that will give me a purchase button of price to pay. I also would like to know if i can use this phone in the UK as that is where i am from.
    Would love to hear your response

  2. Christopher Price

    The enV2 is a CDMA2000 phone, and thus will not work in the UK.

    LG does make a phone with a similar design for Europe, the KT-610.

  3. victoria

    the new LG env2 is awesome!! i love the style and the graphics are great!

  4. Kayce

    Okay well I have been wanting a new phone for ever!
    And I want news on the Env 2(;

  5. Addie Sterry

    I really love this phone but is the screen on the outside too hard to read texts?

  6. Lindsay Hochstatter

    Um well i have the enV2 and the screen on the outside is just perfect you can read the texts on it. I recommend this phone to anybody!!!!

  7. Maria RocksBeyatch

    This phone rocks…. I have the maroon one and I absolutely love it but I got mine from WIREFLY…..much cheaper that any store out there.

  8. bobby

    I really want this phone but I can’t afford the stores price!! 149.99! OUCH