Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

5 responses to “Verizon to Launch Motorola Tao on October 30th, Hero in November”

  1. JJ

    Man! Verizon is doing awesome in the new phone business. I thought sprint was the only company that was going to have the hero for the first 6 months. Good for verizon. I hope they don’t cripple the phones and leave them just as the phone come.

  2. F1

    @ JJ

    This is just the beginnng, I believe we are at the eve of the dawn of a new era, the next generation of sweeping industry wide competetive changes, which will at last, start benefiting the consumers.

    Thank You

  3. pw

    I was holding out on the verizon iPhone rumor until Jan. If this phone – htc Hero – rates well – I just may keep verizon.

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