Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

5 responses to “Verizon Launches Motorola MOTORIZR Z6cx”

  1. Fahad Khan

    I wonder why Motorola didn’t include the camera on this one. Maybe they are taking a more ‘business’ approach.

  2. Christopher Price

    The Z6cx is intentionally designed to not have a camera. It is identical to the Z6c otherwise. The Z6cx is only for customers who cannot have a camera in certain business environments.

  3. Fahad Khan

    That’s what I thought as well !

  4. Vamsi Gunda

    Harish Menon is a mallu! Therefore, you should be expecting coconut flavored phones…

  5. don

    This is exactly what I have been waiting for .My employment does not allow camera phones due to being a defense contractor .Its about time !!!