Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

10 responses to “Verizon Implementing New Data Throttling and Compression Policy Today (Updated)”

  1. Jeff

    Is this type of throttling only happening in the USA? If so, why?

  2. Phoneman

    Welcome to the net neutrality rules defined by Verizon and Google and agreed to by the FCC.

    This is the beginning of the end of the internet as we knew it.

  3. JJ

    Throttling isn’t bad when its for mobile data. If your going over 5gb every month on data and are only about 2% then you should pay extra if your going over is causing a slow down for other users. I myself hit about 3gb on a regular basis. I have no problem with throttling if its going to help keep the data connection smooth. Plus there really is no point in complaining when every cell company has some kind of throttling clause in the contract. If your cell phone is your only data connection at home then I see this being a problem otherwise this is the way of the future especially with more and more people buying data hogging smartphones.

  4. Phoneman

    @ JJ

    It’s being reported that Verizon’s throttling threshold is 2 GB.

    Also, them actually changing the data is more concerning to me than them throttling speed.

  5. JJ

    I did not know that. I hope the 2gb threshold is not true. That means sprint wont be too far behind. Although them charging an extra $10 should help them not do that.

  6. Phoneman


    Lol, what’s the difference? Unlimited is unlimited. If they call it an unlimited plan, why would it be okay to throttle at 5 GB but not 2 GB?

    People have legitimate uses for data these days. 5 GB does not make someone a “data hog” in my opinion.

  7. Crapple


    Not that I agree with it but I’m assuming they think of this as, it’s unlimited usage, not unlimited data transfer. You can be connected to data for 24/7, their not stopping you from that, they’ll just slow you down after you hit 2-5 Gigs within a 30 day period. Otherwise using the average obtained by Engadget’s review: you could theoretically hit 1.09Mb per/sec or 2,825.280M bits per month. If they throttle you down to 500k after you hit your limit, the overall throughput will drop. I’m too lazy to convert to bytes so sue me…

    The real question is what is the throttled decrease you get hit with? 500k not so bad, 5k would be very bad…

  8. Phoneman

    @ Crapple

    There is no way it will be “throttled” to 500k. Their 3G speeds don’t average too much more than 500k in a lot of places as is. If they are throttling, I’m thinking dial up speeds.

    And throttling aside, the real scary thing here is Verizon is actually changing the data.

    If you try to tether your laptop, it still brings up mobile web pages, low res pictures, crappy compressed videos, low bitrate audio streaming, etc.

    It’s all bad. I hope the FCC is taking notice. First Metro throws Net Neutrality out the window and now Verizon is doing the same. All this is like a month after the new net neutrality rules. What will it be like in 5 years?

  9. F1

    This is an absolute disgrace! First they tell you to go wireless..”it is the future”,.once you do, they change the definition of “unlimited”!! Streaming 6 hours of soundalone , via n CNN & m usic equates to over 1GB of Data!! And as stated last month SPRINT does thatr outinely! download speeds of6 kbs-12kbs on 3G! irarely exceed 3GB! there is no FCC it is allan inside joke! !Just like mygarbage browser on WM6.1 Thank You M

  10. Phoneman

    I find it curious that Verizon “announced” this while the media is so caught up with Egypt’s revolution.