webOS 1.4 Rollout for Palm Pre Now Expected on Thursday
After Sprint failed to roll out the long awaited webOS 1.4 update for the Palm Pre last week despite their internal confirmation, new information has surfaced confirming the roll out for this week. As Palm previously stated a February release for the update during CES, Palm has until Sunday, February 28th to keep to that […]
MyTether Update to Support Verizon Pre Plus
The increasingly popular MyTether application for the Palm Pre which allows for tethering over USB or Wi-Fi has now been updated to support Verizon’s Pre Plus with the same aforementioned tethering options without needing to pay for Verizon’s Mobile Hotspot monthly fee by utilizing the built-in API calls for the aforementioned service, according to the […]
AT&T to Launch Two webOS Devices from Palm This Year
Following up, AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega has confirmed that the carrier will launch two webOS-based devices from Palm, likely the Pre and Pixi, which would make them the first new Palm devices available on the carrier since the Treo 680 and Centro when they launch later in the first half of the year.
Sprint Rolling Out Palm Pre 1.3.5 Update (Updated)
Sprint has begun rolling out the long awaited webOS 1.3.5 update for the Palm Pre in order to address issues and adds small changes such as improved MMS compatibility, improved battery life in marginal coverage areas and reduced update size to allow downloads and updates over 1xRTT data connections. Update: The update is now live […]
Verizon Employees Begin webOS Training, FCC Approves Pixi with Wi-Fi
Image courtesy of PhoneArena Verizon employees have been receiving information on training sessions for webOS in recent days. The training sessions are themselves designed to help dealers sell devices like the Pixi, which was revealed by the FCC to feature Wi-Fi and also being assigned a new model code for Verizon. Since the training sessions […]
Palm Releases webOS 1.3.2 Update for Palm Pixi
Not long after the release of webOS 1.3.1, Palm has rolled out another update to the Palm Pixi in webOS 1.3.2 designed to address issues that have surfaced since the release of the device relating to the device when using multiple applications and device speed in general. Palm has not officially updated its knowledgebase as […]
Palm, Sprint Issue Statement On Palm Profile Backup Failure
Palm and Sprint have issued a joint statement regarding the increasing incidents of Palm Profile backup failures when switching devices due to repair, upgrade or replacement, with many losing complete profiles and vital information and others recovering a majority of lost information. The main issue is the fact that replacement devices are not pulling the […]
Palm webOS 1.3.1 Update for Pre Now Available
Palm has pushed out webOS version 1.3.1 for the Pre ahead of tommorow’s launch of the Pixi, which will launch with the updated version as its default. It should also be noted that the update does not re-enable iTunes sync. The following features are now supported: Yahoo! is now available as a Calendar/Contacts/instant messaging synchronization […]
webOS 1.2 Now Available for Palm Pre
Palm has released the long awaited webOS 1.2 update for the Sprint Palm Pre with the update being pushed out this week. The major addition to the update is the inclusion of paid applications on the app catalog along with other updates and fixes. To update, go to Launcher -> Updates -> Install Now, or […]
Palm to Focus on webOS, Halts Windows Mobile Sales and Development
During a conference call this morning, Palm CEO Jon Rubenstein confirmed to the press that the manufacturer of smart devices has decided to focus on webOS as its sole platform going forward, effectively halting Windows Mobile device development and sales. Earlier this year, Rubenstein alluded to Palm manufacturing both webOS and Windows Mobile devices with […]