CES: The Morning After – Time Lapse Video
While we’re not quite done yet running some of our coverage from CES, we did want to post this video that we quietly shot after the show. Essentially, it’s the first day of post-CES activity at the Las Vegas Convention Center, shot in time-lapse, at about one shot a minute. It is our first production […]

MWC: Fon Demonstrates SIMPL Router
Fon, the architects of the FON community based Wi-Fi hotspot service have revealed another piece of hardware at Mobile World Congress, this one targeted to carriers wishing to ease the strain of bandwidth heavy activity on 3G networks such as video streaming. The Fonera SIMPL router features two Ethernet ports and 802.11n support for high-speed […]
AT&T Makes Rare Terms of Service Change, Blocks Video Streaming, Creates Early Termination Fee Out (Update)
AT&T Wireless has made a rare change to their terms of service, one that doesn’t bode well for consumers. Like Verizon Wireless, the company now prevents users from streaming video from non-AT&T sources on their cell phones. The terms prevent streaming video, redirection of TV (Orb/Slingbox), and downloading video from the network. It appears that […]
Video: Instinct Product Placement TV Ad
Gone are the days of the hippie “magic of SprintSpeed” ads that we nailed would fail. Now, Sprint is trying to promote actual devices by actually showing the features they can perform with. And, to tie into Sprint’s Instinct Product Placement sweepstakes, they made a TV ad that tries to both be a bit corney, […]
Video: Samsung Juke TV Ad (HD)
Verizon touts the Samsung Juke in their first TV ad for the device. Juke Ad – High Definition (1080p), MPEG-4 (17.1 MB) Juke Ad – Standard Definition, H.264 (3.6 MB) Juke Ad – iPod, H.264 (2.7 MB) Juke Ad – Mobile, 3GPP (409 KB) Buy a Juke from Verizon Wireless
Video: Sprint ahead – Magic of SprintSpeed TV Ad (HD)
The TV ad/campaign that we predicted would fail… and may have partly cost CEO Gary Forsee his job. Watch it in its painful HD detail. Sprint ahead “Magic” – High Definition (1080p), MPEG-4 (36 MB) Sprint ahead “Magic” – Standard Definition, H.264 (7.7 MB) Sprint ahead “Magic” – iPod, H.264 (5.69 MB) Sprint ahead “Magic” […]
Apple Clarifies, iPhone Still Lacks Video Out
Several web sites have reported on Apple’s addition of Component & Composite AV Cables to the Apple Store online. These cables tie into the release of Apple’s new generation of iPods, which require a cable to be connected to the iPod’s dock connector port. Previous generation iPods uses a video-out port on the iPod’s dock. […]
Video: Sprint UpStage Ad (HD)
Sprint hired a new ad agency. Their first TV ad went big in Sprint’s first true High Definition TV ad, and features the Samsung UpStage. Download from the links below. Sprint Samsung UpStage Ad – High Definition (720p), MPEG-4 (35.34 MB) Sprint Samsung UpStage Ad – Standard Definition, H.264 (7.37 MB) Sprint Samsung UpStage Ad […]
Video: Colbert Report Roasts AT&T, Cingular
Three years ago, we predicted AT&T’s merger/acquisition of Cingular’s shareholders, resulting in AT&T Wireless becoming Cingular, finally becoming AT&T once again. Last night Steven Colbert on “The Colbert Report” explained this process to his audience. While tearing into U.S. regulatory processes, he also outlined the entire history of AT&T’s wireless venture. However, in doing so, […]
Cingular to Launch Video Calling in 2007
Cingular Wireless has announced that they will finally enable video calling on their UMTS phones and network. UMTS video calling has been promised by Cingular since 2003, with the release of UMTS video phones from AT&T Wireless. Now, customers will be able to use the un-tapped feature in their devices. However, customers will have to […]