Editorial: T-Mobile Needs to Shape Up on Firmware… or Write Off Tech Savvy (Virgin Mobile, You Too)
T-Mobile and Virgin Mobile’s lackluster performance on firmware claims another victim; the Lumia 710. I’m sick and tired of catching fire from them, for talking about it. Here we go again…
T-Mobile Sending Letters to Sidekick Owners Regarding Transition
T-Mobile has begun to send letters to current Sidekick owners detailing the May 31st shutdown of the Danger servers that host both data services and other data such as photos, contact information and email for the Sidekick. The carrier is offering 50% off the post rebate pricing on select Samsung handsets as consolation as well […]
T-Mobile Shutting Down Sidekick Servers on May 31st
T-Mobile has announced that it will shut down the servers responsible for maintaining the functionality of the T-Mobile Sidekick series of devices on May 31st. Before then, the carrier has confirmed several methods of exporting the data on the device to a computer or to another phone, with upgrade offers also being proposed for current […]
T-Mobile Confirms Sidekick 4G, Asset Sale and Future LTE Plans
T-Mobile has confirmed its future plans during an investor conference this morning in which the carrier has confirmed a revival of the Sidekick line with the announcement of the Sidekick 4G, which will be powered by Android and support its new HSPA+ data service. In related news, they have also confirmed that along with its […]
T-Mobile Discontinues Sidekick Following KIN Phaseout
T-Mobile has confirmed that they will stop selling the Sidekick line of phones. The move comes a day after Microsoft announced that KIN will be phased out, in order to focus on Windows Phone 7. These two moves, combined with the phaseout of Windows Mobile Standard, leave Microsoft without a single feature phone offering. The […]
T-Mobile Resumes Sidekick Sales
After the Microsoft/Danger data loss saga and subsequent data recovery two months back, T-Mobile has quietly resumed sales of the T-Mobile Sidekick 2008 for $49.99 on Even More plans and $249.99 on Even More Plus and T-Mobile Sidekick LX for $149.99 on Even More/$349.99 on Even More Plus.
T-Mobile Posts Sidekick Contact Recovery Info
Following up on the previous article, T-Mobile has posted complete contact recovery instructions for Sidekick users and former Sidekick users that have since switched to other devices as a result of the Microsoft/Danger meltdown. T-Mobile has also released the following statement: “Microsoft/Danger continues its efforts to recover pictures, calendar entries and to-do lists, which may […]
Microsoft Confirms Complete Sidekick Data Recovery
After a week and half of the biggest mistakes and missteps a carrier and service provider can make, Microsoft Corporate VP of Premium Mobile Experiences Roz Ho has confirmed that most, if not all Sidekick user data thought lost has been completely recovered after a thorough system rebuild with the next restoration update available on […]