Deal: The Best iPod Touch Alternative in the Virgin Mobile HTC One V Is Now $149
Walmart and Amazon are now selling the best iPod Touch alternative on the market for $50 off MSRP.
Samsung Announces Galaxy Player 5.8 Android Media Player
Samsung announces its latest Galaxy Player model in the 5.8, but can it make anyone outside of Android enthusiasts care?
Review in a Rant: Samsung Galaxy Player 3.6, 4.0, 5.0 Came So Close
We tackle all three devices, after using them all quite a bit, and I’ll explain why I’m so angry at these trio of devices.
Samsung Confirms Galaxy Player as First Google Sanctioned Android PMP
During its conference, Samsung Mobile representatives confirmed that the Galaxy Player was developed with Google’s full support. The Galaxy Player will be the first Android-based personal media player to earn Google’s new smart player certification with full Android support, including Google Apps and full Android Market access alongside its own Samsung Apps marketplace via Wi-Fi. […]
Samsung to Showcase Galaxy Player Media Player At CES
Click to enlarge… Samsung has confirmed that it will showcase its first Apple iPod touch competitor in the Samsung Galaxy Player during CES. The Galaxy Player is notable for being the first Android-based media player from a major mobile phone manufacturer and Android handset developer as well as being a viable competitor to the iPod […]