Clear Connection Manager for Windows Updated
Last night, Clearwire issued an update for the Clear connection manager for Windows. Version (which replaces 1.05.0019) does not have a change list posted, but Clearwire suggests all Clear, Clearwire and XOHM customers upgrade. They do caution that Windows 7 users should disconnect their WiMAX devices before running the installer, and reconnect after it […]
Apple iSlate to Support Clear WiMax Service? (Updated)
Clear has created an image filled with random electronics on its site that demonstrates the now legendary Apple Tablet mockup that surfaced during this year. This development could signal support for Clear WiMax service in the tablet either via built-in modem or driver support for USB dongles, but the image has yet to be independently […]
Sprint and WiMax Partners to Invest Further $1.5 Billion In Clearwire
Sprint and several partners in the new Clearwire will be investing a further $1.5 billion in capital in order to assist the WiMax service provider in completing the first stage of the nationwide rollout of its WiMax network, which Clearwire has struggled with since the beginning of its current venture in April 2008. The most […]
Clearwire to Roll Out More Clear Markets Next Month
Clearwire has announced in a press release that it will roll out Clear service in additional markets beginning next month. Clearwire and Sprint will jointly launch 4G service in Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh, North Carolina; Austin, Dallas/Fort Worth and San Antonio, Texas in November. Honolulu and Maui, Hawaii will be launching in December, previously confirmed […]
Time Warner to Resell WiMax as Road Runner Mobile on December 1st
Time Warner Cable has confirmed that it will begin resale of Clear’s WiMax service in the Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh-Durham markets beginning on December 1st under the Road Runner Mobile brand name soon after Clear’s official launch. Time Warner representatives further confirmed Road Runner Mobile launches for the Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex by the end of the […]
Clear, MetroPCS, Sprint in Talks with Deutsche Telekom Regarding 4G Access
According to Bloomberg, Deutsche Telecom is in preliminary talks with Clearwire and MetroPCS regarding access to 4G spectrum and network owned by both companies in order to expand T-Mobile USA’s network footprint following the US subsidiary announcing its first deployment of HSPA+ services last Friday in Philadelphia. Bloomberg is citing unamed sources that state Sprint, […]
Sprint Announces More WiMax Markets
Sprint has announced 17 more markets for its Sprint 4G launch this year. Customers will be able to purchase WiMax service from Sprint in the following markets: Abilene, Texas; Amarillo, Texas; Austin, Texas; Boise, Idaho; Bellingham, Wash.; Charlotte, N.C.; Corpus Christi, Texas; Greensboro, N.C.; Killeen-Temple, Texas; Lubbock, Texas; Maui, Hawaii; Midland-Odessa, Texas; Raleigh, N.C.; Salem, […]
Time Warner to Resell Clear WiMax in Dallas/Ft. Worth and Charlotte, N.C. This Fall
Following up on the confirmation of Comcast beginning Clear WiMax resale in Portland, Time Warner Cable CEO Glenn Britt has confirmed the cable company will do the same for the Dallas/Ft. Worth and Charlotte North Carolina markets this fall not long after Clear service launch. The service is expected to be bundled with its cable […]
Clear Officially Announces Las Vegas Service Launch, Samsung Mondi Launch Date
Clearwire has offically announced the launch of its Clear Mobile WiMax service in Las Vegas after quietly rolling out service in a soft launch a few weeks prior. To that end, the provider has also announced the pending launch of the Clear 4G+ dual-mode 4G/3G modem for customers who travel outside of CLEAR 4G coverage […]
Clearwire Ramping Up for Dallas Launch, Confirms 80 Markets by Year-End 2010 (Updated)
Clearwire is now preparing for a forthcoming launch in the Dallas/Ft, Worth area according to an ad on Craigslist soliciting new sales representatives and executives. This surge in activity follows previous launches in Portland, Atlanta and a soft launch in Las Vegas earlier this year, with representatives confirming that it plans to be available in […]