Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “Sprint Launches Treo Pro, Rumor 2, and Motorola Stature i9”

  1. F1

    Welcome News!

  2. Random

    “The LG Rumor 2 is available for $249.99 retail or $99.99 after $150 instant discount and new 2 year agreement before an additional $100 mail-in rebate, bringing the total to $49.99.”

    So it’s free AR then??

  3. Mustang46L

    No, it is $49.99 after rebate. They meant that there is a $50 mail-in rebate, not $100.

  4. Guillermo Sandoval

    I stopped at the Sprint Store today (Portland, Oregon) and they had not received the i9. Do you guys/gals know when it might be available at Sprint Stores?



  5. Gary Whittington

    Are any of the new phones compatible with the Mercedes Benz wireless phone system?

  6. JJ

    they lied!! THERE IS NO VIDEO RECORDER ON THE RUMOR 2!! unlike the first rumor

  7. lexer

    Love your new banner :)Good for you. And good luck!