Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

11 responses to “HTC, Sprint Confirm Android 2.0 for Hero and Samsung Moment Early Next Year (Updated)”

  1. JJ

    Knowing the update 2.0 is coming almost makes me want to give up my sero plan just to get this phone. Almost.

  2. Don Louie

    I’ll wait for the next hotness from whoever, for some reason I think Android and Web OS will be what it is

  3. JailBird

    Who wants to take bets that Sprint won’t release Eclair (2.0) until after Flan is already out on Vzw?

  4. Christopher Price

    Keep in mind, Android 2.0 on Verizon was a one time deal. Motorola did not deploy Android 2.0 on the CLIQ or the Milestone (the European variant of the Droid).

    Motorola spent extreme amounts of R&D budgets to get Verizon that exclusive. It is much more likely to fall in-line with the other versions.

    Finally, Google wanted to focus on a single device that was going to get a large ad campaign to promote Android. The HTC ad campaign was focused on the HTC brand, but Verizon’s Droid campaign was focused on promoting, well, an Android superphone. As such, Google too was interested in giving Droid the 2.0 exclusive.

    Bottom line: The focus should be on making sure devices keep getting updated, the order they get updated in will become less of an issue with time.

  5. Duker

    what is the point of an exclusive if it is only a few months, that is not going to make much of a difference.

  6. HTC, Sprint Confirm Android 2.0 for Hero and Samsung Moment Early Next … – | Latest in Tech News

    […] Link: HTC, Sprint Confirm Android 2.0 for Hero and Samsung Moment Early Next … – […]

  7. Otis

    Any chance of sprint dropping the price down to $99 to match Verizon’s?

  8. Don Louie

    You can get it at Best Buy for that price

  9. Otis

    Yeah, I already tried. They only give you that price if you activate a new line of service, which I’m not interested in doing.

  10. Christopher

    @otis I called retention once I saw that Best Buy had the Hero for $99, and I paid $176 after discount/rebate buying from The rep gave me a $77 credit, so it’s doable.

  11. Sprint Delays Hero/Moment Android Updates to Q2 2010 |

    […] the Sprint Hero and Samsung Moment have been pushed back to the second quarter of the year from its previous 1st quarter […]