
Google Releases GPS Enabled Maps for Mobile on Verizon BlackBerry Storm
By Humberto Saabedra on February 18, 2009
Google has released a new version of Maps for Mobile with the aforementioned functionality, but it only applies to the Storm and not the other models, due to Verizon’s refusal to approve transceiver access to other BlackBerry devices in the lineup despite having the same GPS hardware as the Storm. The new version of Maps […]
Posted in BlackBerry, Navigation, Verizon | Tagged blackberry, Google Maps, gps, Storm, Verizon | 1 Response

Pantech and AT&T Announce Matrix Pro
By Humberto Saabedra on February 18, 2009
AT&T has announced the forthcoming release of the Matrix Pro Windows Mobile device today in a press release. The variant of the Matrix messaging device features a more rounded bodyshell along with the sliding dual keypad configuration found on the former. The featureset consists of quadband GSM/EDGE and triband HSPA access, a 2.4 inch QVGA […]
Posted in AT&T, EDGE, GSM, HSPA, Navigation, Pantech, UMTS | Tagged AT&T, Matrix, Pantech, pro | 1 Response
Boost Mobile Now Listing Motorola i9
By Humberto Saabedra on February 17, 2009
Boost Mobile has now added the forthcoming Motorola i9 to its online sales page. The phone is able to be ordered for $299.99 with free shipping at the present time, but the phone will not be available until the end of the month on Boost and next month on Sprint. The i9 features a touch […]
Posted in iDEN, Motorola, Navigation, Sprint | Tagged boost mobile, i9, Motorola | 18 Responses

MWC: HTC Announces Touch Diamond2 and Touch Pro2
By Humberto Saabedra on February 16, 2009
HTC have announced the first devices in their future lineup that will run the forthcoming Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system. The HTC Touch Pro 2 and Touch Diamond 2 represent a further refinement of the bespoke device lines with WVGA resolution displays, an upgraded version of TouchFLO, and Windows Mobile 6.1 with an upgrade to […]
Posted in EDGE, GSM, HSPA, HTC, Navigation, UMTS, Wi-Fi | Tagged 2, Diamond, HTC, pro, touch | 9 Responses

MWC: Nokia Announces 6710 Navigator and 6720 Classic
By Humberto Saabedra on February 16, 2009
Nokia has announced and updated two of its devices in the 6720 Classic and the 6710 Navigator. The 6710 Navigator improves on the 6210 by including a touch-sensitive input area for precise control of the GPS software, improved Maps client, and compass. The 6720 Classic features active noise cancellation, TV output, and a compass while […]
Posted in EDGE, GSM, HSPA, Navigation, Nokia, Symbian, UMTS | Tagged 6720 Classic, Nokia 6710 Navigator

MWC: Samsung Announces T-Mobile Memoir
By Humberto Saabedra on February 15, 2009
Posted in EDGE, GSM, HSPA, Navigation, Samsung, T-Mobile, UMTS | Tagged Memoir, Samsung, T-Mobile
Telenav Enables Turn-by-Turn GPS for G1
By Humberto Saabedra on February 13, 2009
TeleNav has announced that it will launch its GPS Navigator service for the T-Mobile G1 on February 24th for $9.99/month with a 30-day free trial. The service includes speech recognition, traffic alerts with one-click rerouting, more than 10 million business listings, gas prices, weather updates and restaurant reviews. The application includes full-color 3D moving maps […]
Posted in Android, HTC, Navigation | Tagged gps, navigator, T-Mobile G1, telenav

Virgin Mobile Launches Ocean 2
By Humberto Saabedra on February 12, 2009
Posted in CDMA2000, EV-DO, Navigation, Pantech, Virgin Mobile | Tagged launch, ocean 2, Virgin Mobile

Garmin-Asus Announce Further G60 Details and M20 Windows Mobile Device
By Humberto Saabedra on February 12, 2009
Garmin and Asus have announced final specifications for the G60 Nuvifone and the debut of the M20 Windows Mobile device. The G60 will feature a Linux-based operating system with a 3.5 inch WVGA widescreen resistive touch display, quadband GSM/EDGE and dual band HSDPA access, LBS services with preloaded maps for the US or Europe, A-GPS […]
Posted in Conglomerates, EDGE, GSM, HSPA, Manufacturers, Navigation, UMTS, Wi-Fi | Tagged G60, Garmin-Asus, M20

T-Mobile Launches BlackBerry Curve 8900
By Humberto Saabedra on February 11, 2009
As previously reported last month, T-Mobile has launched the BlackBerry Curve 8900. The device is intended to be a variant of the Bold without 3G access and features a landscape HVGA (480×320) display, quadband GSM/EDGE 3.2 megapixel camera with autofocus, speakerphone, microSDHC expansion slot, media player,  Wi-Fi with UMA support for HotSpot @ Home, Bluetooth with stereo audio support, and GPS support via built-in […]
Posted in BlackBerry, EDGE, GSM, Navigation, Wi-Fi | Tagged 8900, blackberry, curve, launch, T-Mobile | 1 Response