Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

2 responses to “Verizon Releases Statement on LTE Network Outage (Updated)”

  1. F1

    “Customers may experience a 1XRTT data connection during this time”.

    How ironic, that is indeed my daily speed, if lucky enough to have a connection for as long as 30 seconds to a minute on the SPRINT “Now” Network.

    SPRINT’s solution:
    Change the Phone for the seventh time and pay $35 per pop, or better yet, change the “PLAN” and pay $50 more a month, your choice!!

    Consumer’s solution:
    Leave SPRINT and never look back !

    I was contemplating switching over to VZW LTE or T-Mobile’s HSPA+.

    Interesting how VZW, given that “There is currently no timeframe on the restoration of service”, has not offered any apology for the inconvenience and or credit to it’s LTE customers as of yet.

    Since the future of most, if not all carriers seems to be vested on LTE, just hoping that LTE does not have the same reliabilty issues as GSM.

    Thank You

  2. robet

    Wow phonenews blog 48 he’s late.

    Verizon should get sued for the most reliable network.