Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

5 responses to “Verizon and Samsung Officially Announce Omnia i910 (Updated)”

  1. Mazi

    Dear Sprint! Wake up!! Last Chance to catch up! The Company needs this device now and urgently!! To be made available to all customers and plan holders, not just the forced SIMPLY plan OPTION! Before its too late Verizon and AT&T both will carry the Omnia for the Q4 2008! HTC PRO is yesterdays news, also Palm Pro will be a Joke!! Everybody, AT&T, Verizon and even Best Buy all carry HTC Pro, the mini, sub 3.2 inch screens are too small and dated! Get with the Program, get some real Adult Elegant High end choices! Poor selection, coloring and lastly, forced Simply plans, are the perfect Storm factors for Sprint to finally lose the last of its founding Customers, at barely 2$ a share, not that many days left till Xmas!! CEO Don H., this is the last call for you to save this Company, before its too late, consider yourself on notice and forwarned!! I have been a loyal Customer since fall of 1997! If No Omnia for All Account types! You will lose myself and many more millions, of paying Customers, moving to the the Big Boys! Guranteed!! How is that for positive feedback? Good Luck!

  2. celz

    im pretty sure the big boys at xda and ppcgeeks could get this workin on sprint.. But i think its well known samsung likes vzw more than sprint just sit tight we have htc in our pocket.. once android is ready prolly q2 or 3 09 htc is gonna drop a monster on sprint guranteed

  3. Dave

    Mazi, stop acting like Sprint is gonna collapse everytime another carrier releases a cool phone. One phone does not make a carrier.

  4. Don Louie

    While I agree with most of the previous post, leaving isn’t an option til the others lower thier prices, open up the devices (Vzw) and expand 3g (ATT). Not having the Storm isn’t a big deal but them having the Omnia is though, it makes thier flagship phone look weak and because the Diamond doesn’t have expandable memory

  5. Verizon Discounts Samsung Omnia by $50 on 2 Year Contract |

    […] EV-DO, Microsoft Windows Mobile, Samsung, Verizon, Wi-Fi Not long after the launch of the long-awaited Samsung Omnia, Verizon has further discounted the TouchWiz enabled smart device […]