Yahoo! Adds SMS Messaging to Mobile Messenger Portal
Yahoo has quietly added SMS messaging to its mobile Yahoo! Messenger portal. No additional applications are necessary and sending messages is free via the portal, though charges may apply for messages received.
Yahoo Adds Voice Recognition to OneSearch on BlackBerry
In a report filed by Reuters, Yahoo has announced the addition of voice recognition technology to its mobile OneSearch client for the BlackBerry. The addition of voice recognition is one of the first steps for the search company to foster a more natural experience when conducting web searches, a concept commonly known as the “semantic […]

HTC Names First Android Enabled Device
With the race to release the first Android enabled device, High Tech Computer (HTC) announced that one of the mobile phones they are currently designing to run Google’s mobile operating system will be called the “Dream.” It’s basic features will include a large touchscreen, a full QWERTY keypad that will either swivel out or slide […]