HTC’s Warranty Process Is Getting More Insane With Each Passing Year
We called them up, and they quickly answered the phone. We would happily have traded a longer wait time for what we heard.

Deal: Samsung Restore for Virgin Mobile – $19.99 Shipped at Best Buy
Best Buy makes the Samsung Restore cheap enough, that you may want to use it as a backup phone for your Virgin Mobile smartphone… today only, though.
T-Mobile Confirms No US Hero Launch, Two-Year Warranty on myTouch 3G
After the launch event for the T-Mobile myTouch 3G, representatives from T-Mobile have confirmed some further details regarding the HTC Hero and the myTouch 3G. First, CTO Cole Brodman has confirmed that T-Mobile will not be launching the recently announced and highly anticipated HTC Hero Android device, stating that the myTouch 3G is the flagship […]
Sprint Updates Warranty Policy, No More In-Warranty Fees (Updated)
Sprint has updated their warranty policy, effective this week. The changes are some of the most broad and sweeping since the Sprint Nextel merger took place. Sprint’s previous warranty policy (which ended Sunday) has been universally criticized outside of Sprint. The procedures made Sprint the only national carrier which charged for in-warranty service of their […]
SquareTrade Warranty Extension for iPhone 3G, Clarified
SquareTrade is the only major warranty provider for iPhone 3G, aside from Apple’s iPod-derived AppleCare Protection Plan. And, while their offerings are a bit confusing, we’ve gotten the straight story on how to get your iPhone 3G covered the way you want it. Part of the confusion here, is that iPhone 3G has three different […]
LockLine Changes Take Full Effect
Starting today, all of LockLine’s planned changes for Sprint customers will take effect. While most components of this were rolled out gradually, here is the complete change list. Insurance and warranty claims are now separated into two categories. The Enhanced Warranty Program (EWP) will allow customers to replace phones in any Sprint Store for only […]
FAQ Updated
The FAQ has received a minor correction in regards to the transfer of warranties.
Know Your MSL? Your Warranty Is Now Void. *Updated Again*
Update 2: Read here for the resoultion to this situation. Update: Thanks to some excellent and informed employees at the corporate level, Sprint corporate has overridden UbiquiTel’s decision in this matter. If you have had similar problems, please contact me, and I will get you in contact with employees that will take similar action. Furthermore, […]
FAQ Updated
The FAQ has been updated with a new area on the Direct Hardware Replacment Program (DHRP). If you need a phone replaced, this is a must read area. But, then again, what isn’t on Sprint PCS Info? 🙂