ZTE Launches Open Smartphone in UK and US on Ebay
ZTE opens its official ebay store and launches orders for the Firefox OS-powered Open.
Sprint Opens TEP Enrollment For All Customers This Month
Sprint has announced that it has opened up enrollment in its Total Equipment Protection program to all customers regardless of the original purchase timeframe of their device for the month of March. For an additional $7 monthly fee on top of the monthly rate plan, the Total Equipment Protection program features free express delivery on […]
Symbian Open Sources Version3
Mobile smart device platform developer Symbian has announced that it has released its latest and forthcoming version of Symbian in Version 3 under the Eclipse Foundation License for open source software and is providing the code today. Symbian Version 3 is the successor operating system to the aging and venerable Series 60, developed in part […]
Qualcomm Launches BREW SDK, Joins Open Screen Project
Qualcomm has announced in a press release that it has opened up and released its BREW Mobile Platform SDK to all developers for no charge. The SDK will allow for complete development of BREW applications, widgets, and also features complete integration with Adobe Flash for development of user interfaces, widgets, streaming media, and other types […]
T-Mobile and Qualcomm Commit to Open Handset Alliance, Android Devices
During the Wireless Innovations 2008 conference, T-Mobile USA vice president and general manager of the broadband and new business division Joe Sims has confirmed that the carrier’s first device based on the Google developed platform would ship in the 4th quarter of this year, and has officially joined the Open Handset Alliance along with network […]

Verizon Issues Device Specifications at Open Development Conference
This morning, Verizon Wireless held a conference for developers interested in Verizon’s “Any Device, Any App” initiative designed to open up network access to any device and software. Hit the Read More link for all of the details and screenshots of slides courtesy of Gizmodo.
Verizon to Publish Open Device Specifications Next Month
In a press release, Verizon Wireless has announced the pending launch of what it calls Version 1.0 of its open device access specificications during a developer conference to be held on March 19th and 20th. The specifications will be designed around allowing anyone who designs around them access to the Verizon Wireless network as a […]
Verizon Joins Google’s Open Handset Alliance (Updated)
Verizon today announced that they are joining Google’s Open Handset Alliance. The company joins national carriers Sprint Nextel & T-Mobile, which was an initial partner of the initiative. Google’s Open Handset Alliance (OHA) is focusing on the development of Google Android, the Linux and Java-powered platform that they intend to embed in wireless devices. The […]