Latest iOS Jailbreak “Evasi0n” Now Available for All iOS 6 Devices
The latest jailbreak arrives for iOS 6 in Evasion and works across all mobile iOS hardware

Microsoft Inks Pact with Fedora Over Windows 8 / Secure Boot
After massive outcry from the open source community, regarding a controversial, and possibly illegal lockdown of ARM-based PCs and tablets from Microsoft, the company has inked a new deal.
iOS 5.0.1 Untethered Jailbreak Now Available for Download
Prolific iOS hacker pod2G has released to jail breakers a new exploit, which for the first time brings a homogenous and simple jailbreak for iOS 5 devices. The jailbreak has been incorporated into redsn0w, the most popular jailbreak tool, and supports all devices with the exception of Apple A5-toting iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. This […]
iOS5 Beta Jailbroken with limera1n Exploit
Not long after the announcement and availability of the iOS5 Beta preview for developers, members of the iPhone Dev-Team were able to make short work of the forthcoming iOS release by jailbreaking it using the long-standing limera1n boot rom exploit on the fourth generation iPod touch, though it still requires tethering on reboot to jailbreak. […]
Redsn0w/PwnageTool Untethered Jailbreak Fully Functional on iOS 4.3.3
Not even two days after the release of iOS 4.3.3, it has been confirmed that the previous untethered jailbreak developed for iOS 4.3.1 is fully functional on the latest version without additional work, with Apple seemingly doing nothing to address the exploit that has allowed the untethered jail break to function on all devices except […]
Untethered Jailbreak for Verizon iPhone Now Available
Not long after the latest update for the Verizon iPhone, the first untethered jailbreak is now available for Verizon iOS version via Sn0wbreeze version 2.6.1. The jailbreak is also available on Cydia for those currently on the redSn0w tethered jailbreak solution via the Verizon Untether for 4.2.7 package. Below a statement from the developer, […]

Scion Signs Ad Deal With Cydia And Modmyi, Apple to Pull Apps? (Updated)
Toyota Motor’s Scion brand has announced that it has signed an ad deal with the Cydia app store and the modmyi jailbreaking community, which marks the first time that a major commercial brand has signed an advertising deal around what Apple deems as illegitimate activity. Scion is also making its debut on Cydia by offering […]
Clearwire Blocking Rooted Clear iSpots?
Readers have been reporting that Clear iSpots that have been rooted with the web-based exploit developed by hackers looking to use Clear’s service at the $25 special rate, are being actively blocked by network access until the devices are updated with a new version of the firmware. It appears that Clearwire is using low level […]
iOS 4.2 Expected Friday, Jailbreakers Cautioned to Backup
Apple appears to be poised to release iOS 4.2 on Friday. The update will make significant improvements to stability, and fix two show-stopping issues with Apple’s mobile device operating system. The update will correct Apple’s Daylight Savings Time issues, as well as fix a bug that allows the passcode lock to be bypassed on iPhone […]
greenp0ison Jailbreak Now Available
The latest jailbreak in greenp0ison is now available after a two day delay. The jailbreak is currently only available for Windows machines, with versions for Mac OS X and Linux coming at a later date. The jailbreak functions on the iPhone 4/3GS, iPod touch third/fourth generation, and the iPad with a later update expected for […]