Clearwire Launches iSpot Modem/Router (Updated)
Clearwire has announced the forthcoming launch of the iSpot modem/router, intended as a companion to Apple’s devices such as the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. The device features support for the aforementioned devices and will be sold at a special price of $29 today and tomorrow as a part of its Clear Spot sale with […]
Clearwire, Sprint Expand WiMax Coverage
Clearwire has announced a further expansion of its WiMax coverage sold under the Clear brand to Jacksonville, FL; Wilmington, DE; Stockton and Modesto, CA and Grand Rapids, MI. With the expansion, the service is now available in 49 markets covering 51 million people. In related news, Sprint has announced an identical expansion of its Sprint […]

Samsung Buries WiMAX Mondi KIN-Style, Gives Parting Gifts
The biggest reason that the Samsung Mondi failed can probably be traced to its lack of an ability to operate as a WiMAX modem. Samsung has fixed that, unfortunately far too late for the product to be saved in the marketplace. At one point the Mondi had a lot of promise. If it had sold […]

Clearwire to Release Own Variant of Samsung Galaxy S, Offering Mac OS X Compatible Modem has learned that Clearwire will be releasing its own variant of the WiMax-enabled Samsung Galaxy S, following the leak of the Sprint Galaxy S PRO version this past week with a target launch slated for the end of the year. This follows along with word that Sprint will offer both versions of the device […]
Editorial: Sprint is Overcharging for 4G Tethering
Sprint wants $29.99 to tether your phone over 4G. Considering 3G tethering is free, and Clearwire wants the same $30/month for no-contract 4G, things aren’t adding up here. Read more to see why Sprint is doing this, and why you shouldn’t buy into it for now.
Clearwire Changes Agreement Terms with Intel, Opens Door for Transition to LTE
Clearwire has announced during its first quarter results conference call that its previous agreement with intel requiring the ISP to remain with WiMax until November 28th of 2011 has been amended to allow either party to exit the arrangement with just 30 days notice, effective immediately. With this change in place, it would allow either […]
Sprint and Clearwire Announce Summer WiMax Expansion
Following the rollout of WiMax service in Pennsylvania this week, Sprint and Clearwire have jointly announced the further expansion of service to more markets in the Pacific Northwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast and California during this summer. Residents in n Nashville, TN.; Daytona, Orlando and Tampa, FL.; Rochester and Syracuse, N.Y.; Merced, Modesto, Stockton, and Visalia, […]
Clearwire Launches in Pennsylvania, Sprint Follows Suit
Clearwire has announced that its Clear branded WiMax 4G service is now available to residents of Harrisburg, Reading, Lancaster and York along with surrounding suburbs, covering 740,000 people in 271 square miles. Sprint has also followed suit, launching its Sprint 4G service simultaneously with Clear in the same service area.
Intel, Motorola and Samsung Announce Suppport for WiMax 2 Protocol
In a press release this morning, a consortium of companies consisting of Intel, Samsung, Motorola Alvarion, Beceem, GCT Semiconductor, Sequans, XRONet, ZTE and ITRI have announced intentions to collaborate on the development of the WiMax 2 standard by forming the WiMAX 2 Collaboration Initiative. The 802.16m air interface standard definition being branded WiMax 2 began […]
Sprint and Clear Launch WiMax in Houston, TX
Both Sprint and Clear have jointly launched WiMax service in the Greater Houston area beginning this past Monday, with the initial coverage area spanning more than 1,900 square miles and more than 4 million people. Retail stores are also open starting with locations in the First Colony Mall, Kay Mills Mall, Willowbrook Mall, The Woodlands […]