By Christopher Price on February 20, 2013
While others are still selling the LTE variant of the Galaxy Nexus, Verizon stopped long ago. While Google issues firmware updates for it, the carrier has yet to approve any of the last four major Android updates pushed for the Google-backed flagship smartphone.
Posted in Editorials, Verizon | Tagged 4g, Android, andy rubin, aosp, cdd, compatibility device definition, Galaxy Nexus, Google, Google Wallet, LTE, Nexus 4, nfc, Samsung, Verizon, Verizon Wireless, vzw |
By Christopher Price on September 17, 2012
We explain the war of words between Google’s Andy Rubin and Alibaba’s Aliyun OS team… and, in the process, dive deep into the world of Android compatibility. It’s a coming storm, headed this way, that you should know about.
Posted in Android, Editorials, Google | Tagged acer, alibaba, aliyun, aliyun os, amazon, Android, Android 4.0, andy rubin, appstore, Barnes & Noble, Bing, cdd, chicom, China, chinese, Chrome, cts, Google, google play, ics, kindle fire, linux, Maemo, meego, Nook, oha, open handset alliance, prc