As Page Plus Problems Mount, Six Reasons They’re Probably Being Shut Down
We’ll explain why in the six facts below – but one thing has become clear to us… Page Plus Cellular is on a deathwatch, clearly.
Sprint Responds to Criticism, Drops Nexus 5 from BYOSD Ban List
Sprint has confirmed to that the Nexus 5 is no longer banned from BYOSD.
What the BYOSD? Sprint Blocks MVNOs from Using Nexus Devices They Don’t Even Subsidize
News has come out over the past 24 hours that Sprint has given MVNOs until tomorrow to stop activating several new devices, including Nexus 5.
NET10 Rolls Out Verizon BYOD First, Still No ETA On StraightTalk Availbility
Net10 beats StraightTalk to the punch in rolling out Verizon BYOD support.
StraightTalk Targets PagePlus, Will Launch Verizon BYOD Service On Tuesday (Updated)
StraightTalk now turns its sights on PagePlus, as it will launch CDMA BYOD service powered by Verizon Wireless on Tuesday.
Sprint Officially Launches BYOSD Program for MVNOs
Sprint has officially announced the official launch of its Bring Your Own Sprint Device program for all current and prospective Sprint MVNOs after months of quiet testing by select partners.
Page Plus Cellular Ups $40 Plan to 100 MB of Data, Verizon Network Still Key in Competitve Advantage
One of the only third-party services that uses Verizon’s network… and devices… added a bit more data today.