Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

14 responses to “T-Mobile to Launch HTC Touch Pro 2 on August 12th (Updated)”

  1. Motorola Mobile Phone | Cell Phone Reviews and News

    […] T-Mobile to :Launch HTC Touch Pro 2 on August 12th | […]

  2. Buckshot

    That’s not “leaked” info at this point… a T-Mobile customer service rep “Confirmed” that release date to me last Sunday over the phone. The only “secret” to be leaked now before the 12th is what the price(s) will be.

  3. vanessa

    I wonder why they haven’t say what’s the price going to be on the pro 2? 🙁 I’m kinda scared cuz I really want it….

  4. Humberto Saabedra

    Buckshot: Cool story, bro

  5. King David

    I was @ a local T-Mo store. I was able to place my hands on the still sealed box for the HTC TP2. Yes the release date is accurate of 8-12-09. The price for the HTC TP2 will be $199.99.
    On a different note. Does anyone know if T-Mo will be getting the Samsung Omnia SGH-I900 Smartphone?

  6. latinoartielange

    WHAT NO WAY! I DON’T BELIEVE IT! YOU DON’T SAY! NEVER WOULD HAD GUESSED! LOL. yea i’m being sarcastic if you couldn’t tell. now what about the SPRINT VERSION! i don’t know why SPRINT, Verizion and at&t are being so secretive.

  7. tazsixtyniner

    Sprint , Verizion, and AT&T are trying to push all their other phones.
    I called Sprint last week and they were really pushing the Palm Pre

  8. dralynn

    I have a relative that works at Sprint and she said that the Sprint release date will be September 19th.

  9. dralynn

    …but i’ve heard others say corporate told them September 6th…lol

  10. Babarinde awokere

    Nice to know the price but why is t mobile verizon carrying 1 camera while the htc one carrying 2 that would have been cool cuz that was 1 of my reasons for wanting it

  11. Derrick

    Will the tmobile version of the htc touchpro 2 have a stylus and handwiting recognition?

  12. matt

    i’ve seen the tmobile touchpro 2 and played with it at the store yesterday. it will have stylus and handwriting recognition. this phone is so nice the rep doesn’t know why they don’t do more things to the phone and market it to everyone. I’m getting this regardless because it’s so much better then my blackberry curve. you only get 1 stylus with the phone so you may want to buy more if you buy it.

  13. susana

    does anyone know how much the HTC pro2 for tmobile will cost at retail price …without a contract extention