This is a friendly, Internet-wide reminder that you only have about 96 hours until T-Mobile USA’s new Data Stash rules go into effect. But, you can easily opt out if you wish.
What’s Changing?
As part of offering Binge On, unlimited 480p/standard-definition streaming video, T-Mobile is capping the amount of data you can roll over each month. The limit will be 20GB.
I don’t like that, what can I do?
T-Mobile is letting people opt-out, and keep their Data Stash unlimited. You must text DATAROLL to 6255 before the 16th.
We recommend doing it well before the end of the day on the 15th (like, right now), as T-Mobile’s servers appear to run on East Coast time. So 11 PM on the 15th may be too late on the West Coast, for example.
What happens if I opt-out?
If you text DATAROLL to 6255, you will continue to be able to stash an unlimited amount of data. But you will lose Binge On’s unlimited streaming functionality.
I want to opt-out, but Binge On is currently enabled. Did I screw up?
No. You can still opt-out before the 16th. T-Mobile is letting people test drive Binge On – and automatically opting them in. If you text DATAROLL to 6255, that’s all you need to do.
What happens if I turn Binge On back on, even for a second?
Some have reported you will lose unlimited Data Stash. Even if you use Binge On for one minute. As Apple used to say in support documents “like a hoard of bees, avoid this option.”
Clarification: Others related to T-Mobile have reported that enabling Binge On (post-DATAROLL) will not kick you off unlimited stash, but will use data even at 480p streaming quality. We are trying to get confirmation from T-Mobile, like everyone else in this boat.
What happens if I sign up for T-Mobile as a new customer?
Sorry, new customers can’t opt-out after the 15th. We’re unsure what happens if you sign up today. Since there are no contracts, you may want to try and sign up in the next 72 hours, if losing unlimited Data Stash is a deal-breaker. T-Mobile has a courtesy cancellation window, so you will be able to find out without incurring much cost.
Just don’t forget to text DATAROLL to 6255 if you want to try signing up before the 16th, as an attempt to get grandfathered.
And yeah, we wrote that last sentence just to remind you to text DATAROLL to 6255 one more time. And that one too.
Um, is it lame how T-Mobile is handling this?
Somewhat, yes. T-Mobile is not informing consumers about this change, opting-in to the 20GB cap without warning… and making it a secret trick to opt-out and keep unlimited Data Stash.
That is their right, these plans are not contract plans. T-Mobile is under no obligation to let anyone keep unlimited Data Stash, as a result.
But, making the opt-out some secret that only mobile nerds know about, is pretty lame. We suspect many will find out later, that they could have opted-out, but weren’t informed of the option. As a result – they may be quite angry at T-Mobile. And they wouldn’t be wrong to feel that way.
Furthermore, the 20GB Data Stash cap may sour potential new customers from signing up. For some, T-Mobile’s Data Stash was an attractive backup Internet connection option – for using large amounts of tethering during extended hotel stays or other travel plans. For new customers at least, that won’t be an option – or at least, will be considerably limited in its efficacy.
Our take? At, we feel T-Mobile should not make this a grandfathering affair. Let people decide. Binge On, and cap Data Stash at 20GB… or Binge Off, and let the Data Stash roll.
Either way, we encourage everyone to text DATAROLL to 6255 – and lock in the option. You can always flip Binge On back on later… you just can’t go back when you do.
I feel like there is some wrong or some misinformation in this article.
I’m pretty sure if you opt out you CANNOT opt back in. So when you opt out you can still turn BingeOn, on in your account. All this will do is optimize video for you, but not allow you to stream video for free. It should not mean you are opting back in to the 20gbb limit like this article has you to believe.
Also, what makes me think this article doesn’t necessarily know what they are talking about is when they say for customers that sign up today, they are unsure if they have the option to opt out. NO, they don’t. In fact, anyone who signed up since these newer amp promo plans came out are stuck with the 20gb limit.
So, just wanted to clarify some of that after reading that article.
Well, I wouldn’t call it “misinformation” – article clearly said we don’t know what happens if someone tries to DATAROLL, and signed up as a new customer after Binge On was announced. Can’t find any clarification on that subject.
We all do definitely know that after the 15th, you certainly can’t DATAROLL to retain unlimited Data Stash. That seems to be the one thing clear in all this. Hence, it’s worth a try for those people who missed the party, to try and get back in under the wire.
Some have reported that enabling Binge On will not kick you off DATAROLL, but will consume data stashed – just at 480p streaming quality. I’m trying to get confirmation from T-Mobile. I’m a recovering member of the media myself, so no promises.
But honestly, that’s part of the problem. There is no FAQ. There are no details. This is way, way too cloak-and-dagger for a carrier to do, in my humble opinion. There should be an FAQ page on T-Mobile’s web site… not here.
Apparently here is the T-Mobile web site:
Does add that if you select DATAROLL, you will be forced off your plan if you decide to opt in to Binge On free streaming later. You will have to choose a new plan from the currently available ones.
Worst stupid Nonse, Stash UNLIMITED data, why To worry if I have UNLIMITED? how legere, is screwing over and over customers. Wake up people….!
The point of Data Stash is for capped plans, to allow them to roll over 4G LTE data. That way you can reduce the amount of time that you are throttled to 2G data, in months where you use more data.
Data Stash is actually considered one of the more disruptive things that T-Mobile has implemented.