Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

7 responses to “Sprint to Launch HTC Snap on June 21st, Available Now at Best Buy and Radio Shack”

  1. abcyesn

    Now, I’m looking for a simple qwerty phone with texting, so the Blitz and the dash are ideal for my needs. But the Snap looks like what I might really want.

    Seems like a cool device, unfortunately it’s running Windows Mobile. Windows is the worst mobile phone OS ever made, it’s pathetic and completely unsupported by Microsoft and the carriers who provide it. The only hope this phones will realize its full potential lies in the hands of hackers who build functional versions of the OS and publish them for free on the internet.

    share your views at take care.

  2. jim

    No Wi-fi? Don’t wannit.

  3. jim

    Oops, didn’t see the Wi-fi spec mentioned in the list, sorry. Now I’m intrigued 🙂

  4. Rick

    WinMo 6.1? I’d rather wait for 6.5 – even it there is a “free upgrade” because you know sometimes carriers will back track.

  5. JJ

    Hey abcyesn what do you mean windows mobile is the worst os ever made? Once they released windows 6.0 and 6.1 and now 6.5 windows is a pretty good os. But maybe your right, that is why windows mobile is in almost 80% of all smartphones out there. Your right windows is not a good OS, you know everything.

  6. jim

    Looked at one yesterday at Radio Shack. They had it listed for $99. Typical HTC plasticky cheap-feeling device, small cramped keyboard, but manageable. I’m on Verizon though, so it was nice to find VZW will have it as the Ozone, essentially the same apart from cosmetic differences and it will have a global GSM radio in it too.

    WinMo t.1, 6.5, I don’t care, as long as it runs my apps. I personally don’t give a hoot about the Pre’s, iPhones and Androids.

  7. Duker

    This looks like a Palm Pro to me, except the Palm has a more solid feel to it.