Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

64 responses to “Sprint Sets Two Launch Dates for Palm Pre, Employee Training Underway”

  1. Christopher Price

    Dan, obviously you didn’t read the article thoroughly. Your loss.

  2. sprint guy

    The vacation freeze is only for Assistant Store Managers and above…not all retail employees…

  3. セックスフレンド
  4. karen

    Does any one have any idea about the cost of the new Palm Pre?

  5. Official Tech News » Rumor: Palm Pre to Drop on May 17 or June 29, According to Sprint Leaks? [Palm Pre]

    […] Phone News is citing (without sharing) “internal memos circulating within Sprint Retail Stores” that suggest two potential launch windows for the Palm Pre, depending on shipping efficiencies. Sprint employees can also kiss May vacations goodbye. […]

  6. Rumor: Palm Pre to Drop on May 17 or June 29, According to Sprint Leaks? | Phone Junkie

    […] Phone News is citing (without sharing) “internal memos circulating within Sprint Retail Stores” that suggest two potential launch windows for the Palm Pre, depending on shipping efficiencies. Sprint employees can also kiss May vacations goodbye. […]

  7. Palm Pre Release Date: Rumor Roundup

    […] 17 or June 29 — Sprint plans on two launches, first optimally, second if inventory is not great […]

  8. Malcolm

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  11. medion akku

    Phone News is citing (without sharing) “internal memos circulating within Sprint Retail Stores” that suggest two potential launch windows for the Palm Pre, depending on shipping efficiencies. Sprint employees can also kiss May vacations goodbye

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