Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

13 responses to “Sprint Announces HTC Touch Pro 2”

  1. bottomline

    Its about time……………….

  2. Mike

    When is the lunch date??

    Is there an ETA on battery life??


  3. JJ

    Launch date is sept 8th. its at the bottom of the post. My question is, why so expensive? is the 349.99 price including the $100 rebate? I won’t be buying this one at this price. They must be out of their mind. Neither the storm or the iphone were sold at such a high price. I’ll be waiting for the hero.

  4. Mike

    Will the hero have exchange support??

  5. Marc

    Does anyone know if this phone will require an everything plan or will people who were awarded for true loyalty be able to use it on their older plans?

    I tried talking to a few reps about it but no one seems to know.

  6. George.

    The 349.00 is “after” the rebate.
    Get your credit card ready for a 450 dollar charge.
    Craziness. I waited 2 months for this device.
    I ended up getting a PRE.
    Awsome phone. New Apps coming out everyday.
    200 bucks. Do yourself a favor and save 250 dollars.

  7. JJ

    Im sure this phone will be allowed on any plan. I think the hero might require some type of special plan.

  8. JJ

    I would love to get the pre but I need tethering on my phone plus I love the plan Im on and dont need the everything plan. Maybe I can convince sprint to let me get the pre on my plan. I hope so, cause I sure can’t afford to cough up $450 and wait for a mail in rebate. Not in this economy.

  9. bottomline

    Listen, im a little confused here. Do u need to have a special(simply everything) plan to activate an htc touch pro 2 ??? I just got off the phone with someone in sprint telesales and she said I would have to switch to a simply everything plan !! ??? I almost went into cardiac arrest !! Is that true or was she just a misinformed employee ???

  10. mia

    I just called the sprint and they don’t have this as one of there phones

  11. Tom

    I ordered my through direct telesales today. Some people already have theirs.

  12. bottomline


  13. big daddy

    I have the PRE and sorry, but I dont like it…. Can you hurry up and rush the phone before the software is ready… Ordered the touch pro 2 yesterday. Look at the PRE in a couple of years, when they get the basic phone software right…