Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

14 responses to “Sprint Adds Unlimited Smart Device International Data Access for $40 a Month”

  1. Confused

    Help me understand this, if I have a blackberry world phone I can travel to let’s say France, nah …. France Sucks. Let’s say I’m traveling to Germany, would the $40 give me free calling? Would it simply count against my minutes?

  2. Mustang46L

    $40. Awesome deal. Good find guys.

  3. Daniel

    For sure. That would be a great add-on before going on vacation.

  4. UPdownLoAD

    Can you say Skype?? 🙂

  5. Christopher Price

    This is especially a good deal, if you can take the SIM from the ACE and put it in a UMTS phone over there.

    Even if you don’t have Sprint as your carrier, $70 month for a new line of service isn’t too out of the question… it’s certainly the best deal in international roaming over here.

    Remember, AT&T wants $200/month for 200 MB of international data. With Sprint, it’s $40/month for 5 GB (and, I doubt the cap on that is enforced right now).

  6. Dan Hesse

    This has been available for months now. Its $40 if you combine it with a Simply Everything plan or an Everything Data plan and $69.99 with other plans.

  7. Christopher Price

    I think that depends on how you define “available”.

    Sprint told us that the newer versions of Phone As Modem were “available” for months prior to our reporting… only to retract that when they realized that no consumer would have found any information on those plans, prior to our reporting.

    In the Dan Hesse era at Sprint, the company seems to soft launch plans internally, place them on Ensemble, and then never tell anyone about them until the hard launch. So, that may have been available to a Sprint Retail Store rep to add to a customer’s plan… but without any instructions that they are even allowed to do so.

    And, if we weren’t briefed on it until just now, an employee probably wasn’t allowed to do it until just now.

  8. Dan Hesse

    Yes the PAM deal wasnt handled that great. If customers asked for PAM, a rep shouldve been able to add it because PAM has been $20 ever since Sprint changed up its plans (in June I think?). Brochures in store even mention it from back then. However, this $40 international data roaming deal has been much more readily available than the PAM deal. I know for instance, for months now on if a customer chose a Smartphone and a Simply Everything or Everything 450/900 plan, the option to purchase Data Worldwide for $40 was there during the checkout process. It may have just now started appearing for current subscribers when they log into their account on though and thats why it was noticed. Trust me though, its been around.

  9. Matt

    It seems this is only for Nextel 🙁 Is anyone on sprint getting this plan? I’m leaving for a trip soon and would love to use this

  10. Jaleel Shaw

    Sprint just discontinued this plan two days ago….

  11. Jonathan Jost

    I’m traveling to Mexico on Friday and my company just added this service to my HTC touch PRO. This service option is still available as of 11.16.2010

  12. dominik

    I can confirm the $40 package is back with sprint 11/29/2010 going to london and have it available so I added it. No more $1300 bill like last time

  13. Matt

    This is great news, esp. if they continue it through this summer when i’ll be going to Israel