Motorola has updated its Android smartphone list to reflect major changes to its previously planned update cycles. First, after months of delays and testing, the manufacturer has decided to cancel its planned Android 2.1 update for the T-Mobile CLIQ XT since it could not meet performance standards, with the manufacturer going as far as analyzing and porting code from homebrew Android 2.1 builds for the XT in order to deploy the update without much success.
Other major Motorola Android smartphones stuck at Android 1.5 include the Motorola i1 currently sold on Sprint and Boost Mobile, while the Flipout and Backflip on AT&T and the Charm on T-Mobile will remain on Android Éclair.
This was made official in January. You’re a little late to the party.
Generally speaking, though, Motorola have proven that you simply cannot count on them for updates on any of their devices, including their flagships, which is really too bad.
Motorola has demonstrated that manufacturers are still trying to cling to the outdated model of hardware updates bringing software updates, which does nothing more than shortchange consumers and force obsolescence for perfectly capable hardware.