Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Androidâ„¢ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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3 responses to “Run: Motorola Android Bluetooth Keyboard – $10 Shipped”

  1. Jason

    It’s sold out, but it doesn’t help that you forgot the link

  2. Christopher Price

    Been a rough morning, Comcast terminated corporate link to the Internet without warning under suspicious circumstances. Someone literally went to the extent to wipe out records we had service.

    We’ve been working all morning with them and they are formally investigating. While our service may have been hacked, no data was affected, just our ability to link up to the web. Our passwords and other methods of protecting data were not tied to our Comcast account either.

    Unfortunately, we had to make painful choices all morning on what to take care of, fixing that link got downranked into oblivion. Some reported early this morning an out-of-stock notice, so you may want to check back later today in case it comes back in stock… and yes, we’ve fixed the link.