Knowledge Base Expands To Every Modern Phone

We’ve been really busy. Really, really busy. We’ve added pages of information to our Nextel Phones Section, and after detailing every Nextel phone, are moving on to every modern phone in the nation.

Our goal is simple; have a user-contributed database of every GSM, UMTS, and CDMA2000 phone ever sold in the United States. And, with that, we are launching the Verizon Phones Section, Cingular Phones Section, and T-Mobile Phones Section. We’re going to need a lot of assistance from the community, but when completed, we’ll have specs, details, downloads, tips, tricks, and even hacks for every single phone. To get started, just hop on to the PCS Intel Knowledge Base and start contributing.

Because of this massive expansion, we’re extending our LG 225 Knowledge Base Giveaway for an extra week, ending a week from Monday. Also, please give feedback in our KB Feedback Box.