Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Android™ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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329 responses to “How To: Get an iPhone 3G for $199… Without Contract! (Updated)”

  1. Jason

    I just set up AT&T service yesterday (at a corp. store) to be ready for the iPhone on Friday. I just got the cheapest flip with no rebate hassle, the Nokia 6085. Can I go into the corp. store, exchage for the refurb Tilt, then proceed with the plan? Or will the exchange for the Tilt lock me in?

    Where is the best place to borrow or purchase an iphone?

    Did I screw up in my eagerness to be assured an 3g iPhone next week with no signup hassles?

  2. Jeff

    I’m not impressed. This feels like a new low especially with all the enthusiasm you’ve put into the “article”.

  3. Ken

    Kudos for finding this loophole. I think it’s a new high for Excellent work!

    I’m now on my way to getting an iPhone 3G for only $199. That saves me $200 I wouldn’t have otherwise!

  4. Dan H.

    It all just seems a bit pointless, I mean unless you really want to use your iPhone 3G on T-Mo. Otherwise you are doing a lot of work just to not sign a contract so that you can end up with a phone you can only use on the carrier you don’t want to sign a contract with.

    Oh well, I do like loopholes 🙂

  5. md

    I was going to do something similar to this when ATT had the original Iphone–since they weren’t giving any discounts on the unit.

    I was going to go to the store and buy a tilt….then sell it on Ebay and make about $150. Then I was going to take THAT $ and get an Iphone for $500.

    I disagree with those who disagree with this loophole. ATT wins no matter what. They paid PEANUTS for these phones….trust me. In the end, ATT will get $ and the user will save $.

    Thankfully, I’ll be switching from VZW, so I’ll be paying $299 for my 16gb–with a freakin ETF of $150

  6. PLEASE...

    Once again, phone”news” does their best to sound like a legitimate news source but crashes and burns. Why not make people aware that your “link” is simply a referral link that will put a little $ in Christopher P.’s pockets. There’s nothing wrong with doing that; just make people aware of your reasons instead of just saying “TRUST US, everything will be screwed up if you don’t use THIS link! Don’t even go to! It won’t work!”

    if you were so authentic, why not start a post-paid at&t account to properly review their phones. instead, you “specialize”in pre-paid iphone coverage because you have a sprint account and probably can’t pass the at&t credit check.

    this website is a joke. i look forward to seeing how long this comment is up before CP, a thief of journalism, removes it and blocks my IP. gain back some credibility and just state that your link is a referral link.

  7. jack

    If you start an account with a discounted ATT phone no matter which one it is, then add a used iphone, it doesn’t make u upgrade eligible… your a new customer to att, not an existing one who’s eligible for an upgrade so your pricing is based off of that. Its easy to see that you already got a discount on a phone and in order to get the subsidized price for the iphone would require you to return the 1st phone…

  8. willi

    What’s the reasoning that waiting until the end of the 30th day will make AT&T decide to let you keep the phone, anyway? It seems more likely they would just say that it was your fault for waiting until the store was closed and continue billing you for a second month of service since the phone hasn’t been returned…

  9. Dan H.

    Reply to willi:

    The reason is that there is only a 30 day return policy on the phones. According to the policy you can’t return the phone after 30 days, which is why you get to keep it in exchange for paying the cancellation fee.

    Reply to jack:

    According to numerous sources, any customer willing to sign a new 2 yr contract is eligible for the rebate pricing on the iPhone 3G. You would only have to pay the higher prices if you were to not want a contract.

    Via Engadget:

    iPhone 3G will be available for $199 (8GB) and $299 (16GB) for iPhone customers who purchased an iPhone prior to 7/11, customers activating a new line with AT&T and current AT&T customers who are eligible for an upgrade
    Existing AT&T customers who are not currently eligible for an upgrade discount can purchase iPhone 3G for $399 for the 8GB model or $499 for the 16GB model. Both options require a new two-year service agreement.

  10. Steevo

    Actually, there’s an even bigger, easier loophole to avoid a contract with ATT.
    I heard the messaging rates charge d on iphone are changing in August, or maybe on launch of the new 3G. If true this will work.

    Get an old IPHONE, before 7/11, or currently have one.
    Activate it and sign a 2 year contract.
    On 7/11 upgrade to the new iphone.
    The 2 year contract is the same and since it predates the launch of the Iphone 3g you have a special right, the right to cancel when ATT raises their text messaging rates on the Iphone.

    Whenever a cellular carrier makes a material change to the rates you get a 30 day free cancellation window. *everyone* who has a cellular contract should cancel whenever they get the chance.

    FWIW Tmobile put a bill stuffer in this months bill raising text messaging rates to 20 Cents per message for sending or receiving. So each Tmobile customer has 30 days from the effective date of August 29, 2008 to cancel free. You should do it. After you cancel you will be eligible for another subsidized phone since you have no contract.

  11. Dan H.

    Reply to Steevo:

    That is true, but as soon as you walk through the door and upgrade and SIGN a new contract, you are signing that you accept the new T&C’s and you don’t have that right anymore. Anyone can do that currently, but you wouldn’t be able to upgrade to the iPhone 3G for the rebate pricing and then take advantage of that loophole.

  12. jack

    there is no such thing as rebate pricing.. its either upgrade eligible (199/299), early upgrade (399/499), new activation (199/299). Doing the scheme as presented above is a new activation and in order to get the discounted prices requires you to return the originally discounted phone in this case its the tilt. Just because you activate a 1st gen iphone doesn’t change the fact that your still a brand new customer and doesn’t qualify you for an automatic upgrade since you have no account history or haven’t even paid a bill yet.

  13. Jack

    The iPhone isn’t at all impressive. It is the most convoluted peace of garbage and I don’t get what people see in it. The Neo Freerunner is not only cheaper, unlocked, contract free, but it also based on a completely free design. You can do whatever you want with it on any network!

    It is a much sweeter deal too. Instead of the $600 you pay about $450 for the same thing once you add in the cost of an 8GB MicroSDHC card. Unlike the iPhone any application can take full advantage of its features too. For instance the applications you get can take advantage of the GPS built-in. You don’t have to pay absurd carrier charges for it either as the thing has built in 802.11B/G wifi. Over the course of 2 years you can save about $145($6 / month plan) on things like SMS charges too depending on where you live and what carrier you have. This is not to mention the monthly fee for normal phone service is going to be a fraction of the cost. You can still get Internet access too via the carrier if you want it.

  14. Mark

    The only reason it is stated that the link in the article must be used is because it is an affiliate link – the writer of this article receives cash for everybody he gets to purchase via the link – regardless of whether the tactics stated work.

    Additionally, this is likely in violation of the AT&T affiliate agreement with Linkshare.

  15. annerajb

    just fyi all the link they insist on using are add links wich pay them. but great guide nice if i had the money i did it so go ahead and have fun.

  16. Ramos

    Dude… You didn’t even cloak your affiliate links!

  17. Dankoozy

    Why the hell won’t Apple just sell the damned thing unlocked?

    I wouldn’t buy it anyway but right now it is being used as a ‘carrot’ for people to put up with a carrier and contract they otherwise wouldn’t. There will probably be some announcement tomorrow with a small change to their agreement.

  18. Rich Cassidy

    In response to “why would you want to do, you can only go to t-mo” t-mo is cheaper and can roam on att for free. T-mo’s plans are half att price and same net.

  19. Andrea

    what kind of rate plans do we sign up with AT&T?

  20. aa

    For the sake of argument, let’s say I can’t get an old iPhone… Say they’re sold out or something. Would the next best thing be to buy a new one on the 11th and cancel the contract before 30 days? Then I don’t pay the termination fee, supposedly, only the activation fee. So new iPhone with no contract=$299+$36=$335? Then things start to get hazy… What do I do after that point if I don’t want to sign up for an AT&T plan? It sounds like the new phone won’t work on T-mobile and GoPhone won’t be offered either.

  21. Dan H.

    Reply to aa:

    You wouldn’t want to then. The point of this is to walk away with a new iPhone without a contract because: you have an existing line with AT&T and don’t want to extend the contract -OR- you are a developer and want to test applications without have another phone on a contract.

  22. aa

    Dan H- thanks… I guess a new iPhone with no contract for $335 doesn’t sound bad? I could always resell it, maybe after unlocking it.

    I’d keep it if there was a hack like with the old iPhone and the $6.99 Tmobile data plan. I mostly care about data.

  23. nights

    2 things Friends don’t sell to to friends.


  24. att employee

    I work for AT&T and to due to proprietary reasons, I can not discuss much about the iPhone 3g prior to 7/11, but I can tell you that unless you get someone who doesn’t care about their job with AT&T when you go to cancel, this idea will not work. There are many rules in place specifically for canceling service if an iPhone 3g is on the account or in the equipment history of the account. Nice try, though!

  25. StingRay

    I’ll be curious to see if this works, but I think there’s a glaring problem with your logic here. Apple has required that AT&T allow people to upgrade their existing iPhones, yes, but AT&T’s part of that concession is that when you upgrade the phone, you sign a two-year extension to your contract. Basically, Apple has required that every iPhone owner be considered upgrade-eligible, NOT that they be allowed to just purchase a new iPhone with their old service. At the very least, those of you looking to keep your old rates need to know that, since it’s not gonna happen.

    Also, I don’t see why AT&T wouldn’t simply require you to ship in your phone when you call them. If you fail to do so, then they continue to charge you and treat your cancellation as null and void. I can’t imagine that they haven’t thought through the whole “phone cancellation” process.

    Again, I hope it works for you all, (I’ll be getting mine the regular way,) but I seriously wouldn’t go through with this if you’re not prepared for the possibility of getting stuck with cancellation fees and no phone.

  26. z !!!!!!!!

    SO how much are you profiting off this guide? C’mon that link is from and promocode is clearly visible “PROMO=promo1470017”
    you must be rich by now ;))

  27. aa

    “The process only requires that you (or someone you can borrow) does not have active service with AT&T.”

    But it also requires an old iPhone right? That seems like the more difficult requirement, seeing as they’re out of stock everywhere. I’d need to get one off Ebay and make *sure* it and the refurb Tilt got here before Friday. And the ones on Ebay aren’t cheap either, maybe because they already are unlocked 🙁

  28. Dexter |

    How I wish I leave at US 🙁

  29. Wee Todd Did

    “We stress that you should use the above link and not order from a third-party store, for reasons that will complicate this guide (but trust us, order direct using the above link).”

    You lost substantial credibility right there. How transparent!

    “Of course we, like every other member of the mobile media, use affiliate links when possible. We would have posted this guide regardless.”

    You regained none of it there. But if you’d wanted to regain some credibility, you’d have removed those affliate links. There are very serious flaws in your *theory* and while the suckers click away on your link and stuff cash in your pocket, they assume all risks (rather probability — it’s a virtual guarantee) that this will blow up in their face. But you’ve got nothing to lose by posting your misguidance, yet $omething to gain. Very clever. Very low.

  30. Sarten-X

    Just a thought:

    I’m not a lawyer, but I was under the impression that selling an unlocked phone was illegal (in the US, at least). This might cause some trouble for anyone selling an unlocked Tilt on eBay.

    The phone’s firmware (which you’re exposing the world by unlocking it) is copyrighted material, protected by the DMCA, and thanks to a lovely clause in there, circumventing “protection” to access that firmware is illegal.

    That sucks. Luckily, there is an exception that allows you to unlock phones ( What I don’t know is whether that still applies when you aren’t unlocking the phone for personal use. I had thought selling unlocked phones was illegal, though I can’t find anything mentioning that now. Does anyone else know more about this?


    […] [via PhoneNews] […]

  32. Humberto Saabedra

    Sarten-X, you are absolutely incorrect in that it is illegal to sell an unlocked phone in the U.S. I direct you to Motorola’s online store for proof.

    As far as unlocking the Tilt and then selling it, thanks to the Copyright Office ruling, anyone is more than allowed to unlock their device provided it can be done and it does not specify that it only be done for personal use. The DMCA does not apply to phone unlocking, nor does it affect unlocked phone sales at all.

  33. Max

    People, don’t forget that you need to return the phone if you cancel within 30 days (as per ATT ToS).

  34. Ty

    all I can say is AT&T sucks ***. What a crappy company.

  35. Sarten-X

    Motorola’s online store isn’t any sort of proof that an individual selling an unlocked phone would be legal. Motorola owns the copyright to the phones, so it can do whatever it wants.

    The DMCA does apply to phone unlocking, at least in a strict sense (considering the firmware to be copyrighted material). That’s why the exception is there.

    To quote the exception, from the Library of Congress:
    “Computer programs in the form of firmware that enable wireless telephone handsets to connect to a wireless telephone communication network, when circumvention is accomplished for the sole purpose of lawfully connecting to a wireless telephone communication network.”

    (, page 53)

    This isn’t clear whether resale is part of that “sole purpose” or not. Again, not being a lawyer, I don’t know. Are there any references elsewhere that clarify this?

  36. Raven

    Where’s the mention of the cost of the original needed Iphone to pull this off? Doesn’t seem like the math adds up.

  37. aa

    They seem to be going for $550-$650 on Ebay, depending on whether they’re new or not. Presumably you’d need to resell for that amount after the 11th. Need to factor in $40 or so for shipping and Ebay seller fees.

  38. aa

    Forgot Paypal transaction fee… Maybe closer to $60.

  39. iPhone 3G Deal Sans Contract Just Got Better |

    […] AT&T, Apple, General News We’ve updated our iPhone 3G buying-without-contract-for-$199 guide. […]

  40. shira

    Was hoping this would be less convoluted. I don’t live in the US and wanted to bring a hacked iPhone home…

  41. Daniel H.

    Chris – I’m on Verizon Wireless as part of myself and my wife having a family plan. Since I’m locked in until 2010 (she upgraded her phone this year) I was thinking about doing this process for an unactive iPhone + GPS for the car.

    However, I wanted your opinion – do you think the new iPod Touches (perhaps announced in Sept?) will have GPS?

  42. Susan Wong

    The iPod touch won’t have GPS as the Maps require an always-on internet connection (provided by 3G).

  43. Susan Wong

    They can fix this loophole easily by only enabling one 3G upgrade per IMEI.

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