Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

8 responses to “First Details and Images of Verizon Blitz Surface”

  1. Christopher Price

    It’s nice to see someone pick up HTC’s Blue Angel/Harrier design of having a vertical, slide-out QWERTY keyboard.

    It will be interesting to see if the rest of the phone steps up to the same level of quality…

  2. anonymous

    Just a note… there is NO EVDO on this device.

  3. Humberto Saabedra

    There is, on account of the inclusion of VCAST Music, which only works over EVDO data. If you can link me to the spec sheet that says otherwise anonymous, I’m willing to correct it.

  4. gameshouse games bingo

    gameshouse games bingo…

    radial defaults Hubert speeders Bombay bacilli …

  5. someone

    this phone gets annoying after awhile.especially when it stops working.

  6. anonimuss

    phone is whack ; doesn’t last & its annoying ; but nice for kidss (:

  7. Jesus

    Badddd phone . Well not really ; just not the best of the best phones for Verizon

  8. Yulhaahaahha

    Yeah i agree with the ones above