Christopher Price is the Founding Editor of Today, he leads the team building Console, Inc. - a new kind of Androidâ„¢ device. He still likes to pontificate... a lot. You can visit his personal blog at

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11 responses to “Editorial: Free Data on Chrome OS Netbooks Changes Everything… Again.”

  1. Daniel

    I still don’t see how 100MB of data is useful. I use more data on my iPod Touch on open wifi networks. With 100MB, I can’t watch a video, or download more than a few attachments, nevermind a podcast. I might as well get a Kindle and try browsing the web on that, with free data. I think that’s who this competes with.

  2. Steven Goldfein

    Chris –

    100mb of data in this day and age is an inadequate joke in the age of multimedia. This was just a non-news story really and Google and Verizon chose to try and use it to make everyone think they had achieved some major deal regarding net neutrality. This is tantamount to an announcement from AT&T saying they are offering free 56k dsl.

  3. Josh

    100mb for free is just a little carrot baiting people into buying a better data offering. I use probably 800mb a month on my phone alone and Id hardly consider myself a power user. The internet is evolving into something more data intensive by the minute people are more interested in watching HD movies on their netbooks than going back to the days of text based web browsing with a 56k modems.

  4. Joe K

    Yes, we the mobile elite aren’t going to benefit much/at all from this offering.

    But, Chris is thinking of the bottom half here. For people that can’t afford a superphone and a netbook. For people that can’t afford Internet at home. For people who leach Wi-Fi from libraries and public hotspots.

    Those people are many times more than the mobile elite (small niche). The bottom half is going to gain massive new utility that before they couldn’t afford. They’re going to need custom Chrome OS Apps that are light on the data, because they have to make it last a full month.

  5. RonaldVegan

    People who can’t afford a superphone or a netbook or internet at home, but who can afford Verizon Wireless? Who are these people?

  6. RonaldVegan

    Sorry Chris, I wrote that before clicking the link and reading all of the announcement from Tuesday.

  7. Steven Goldfein

    Regardless of how well an application is written, even if it is only transmitting a few K of data, every packet of Data has overhead and the smaller the packets the more the overhead. So the smaller packets waste more of that 100mb on the necessary behind the scenes data that encapsulates the all important data. In the beginning they may be able to attract “new” to the Internet people and potentially others with the Google and Chrome brand names and even others with incredible devices or extremely cheap devices but ultimately they wont keep them as the multimedia experience will either be static or weak at best because there is ONLY so much you can fit in .36mb a day of data.

    Now, let’s say this is aimed at the lower income market, then it will most certainly have to work without any kind of account with Verizon, unless they somehow activate them without requiring credit checks and the like. I wouldn’t want to supply the necessary personal information, like social security number, to Verizon for the free service. They would also need to make sure not to run a credit check which I recall used to be a standard step in the online process of setting up Verizon accounts with no way to opt out. (I used to work for Radio Shack)

  8. Steven Goldfein

    Moderate use is going to see the cap reached rather quickly because multimedia eats data caps for dinner. And Flash.. We wont mention Flash.