Verizon to Enable AWS LTE Support on Samsung Galaxy S IV In New Update
Verizon confirms that its version of the Galaxy S IV will support AWS LTE access in a future update, the first phone compatible with the forthcoming network expansion and update.
More On StraightTalk Verizon BYOD and Possible 4G LTE Support Timeframe
More information has surfaced on StraightTalk’s initial plans to rollout Verizon BYOD late last month, only to be delayed. Also, the first details on the brand’s planned rollout of LTE support for the iPhone 5 as well as the planned launch of LTE-powered Verizon smartphones.
Sony Launches Two Versions of Xperia ZL via US Online Store
Sony launches the unlocked version of the Xperia ZL via its online store.
Boost and Virgin Mobile Announce LTE Support, Phones
Boost and Virgin Mobile roll out support for LTE with their first wave of equipped smartphones in the Samsung Galaxy Victory, HTC One SV and the Boost Mobile branded ZTE Force.
Deal: Refurb 32GB Verizon Galaxy Nexus – $220 + Free Shipping
Deal site DailySteals is offering one of the better deals on refurbished Galaxy Nexus smartphones for Verizon Wireless with free shipping
Deal: Samsung Galaxy Nexus for Verizon Wireless – $229 Without Contract
Verizon Wireless is offering a refurbished version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus for $229, sans any contract.
MetroPCS to Roll Out Promotional $30 4G Plan Tomorrow
MetroPCS is set to roll out its cheapest monthly rate plan for LTE devices starting on Friday, with key exceptions to take note of if you’re a current customer. Read on for all of the details.
Verizon iPhone 5 Shipping with Unlocked SIM Slot, Will Work With AT&T/T-Mobile SIM Cards
Verizon’s iPhone 5 features a nice surprise for international travelers and unlocked phone enthusiasts as it features a fully unlocked SIM slot with US GSM network support. Full analysis after the break
MetroPCS Announcess ZTE Anthem 4G, CEO Admits VoLTE Isn’t Fully Ready Yet
MetroPCS launches its next cheap LTE powered Android smartphone in the ZTE Anthem, while the CEO makes a few key points about VoLTE and the carrier announces another subscriber milestone for the growing LTE network