HP Announces January 2015 Shutdown Date For WebOS Services
HP will shutdown the App Catalog and Synergy cloud sync service for webOS-powered hardware next January

Editorial: HP’s Old webOS Device Support Statement is Stupid, Confusing, Just Not Surprising
HP’s statements on how older webOS devices will be handled by Open webOS is as confusing, as it is stupid. But, it’s no surprise, and it’s something we thought would happen awhile ago.

HP Makes Good on Claim it’s Hiring for Open webOS
But the news isn’t all great. Nearly all the positions appear to be critical, dire need-to-fill jobs, most appear to be due to recent departures.

Deal: Palm Pixi Plus – AT&T GoPhone Special – $19.99
AT&T cuts its leftover stock of the Palm Pixi Plus to the bone, as it’s selling the webOS phone for $19.99 as part of a GoPhone special.

Deal: 32GB HP TouchPad + Slipcase – $249.99 + $5 Shipping (Expired)
woot! offers new 32GB TouchPads for only $100 more than the firesale price and they make even better Android tablets thanks to CyanogenMod

Giveaway: HP Fires 275 webOS Employees, We Give Away a Pre Case
HP yesterday announced plans to lay off 275 webOS team members, mostly engineers. The move comes as HP cuts costs after posting extremely poor financial numbers last quarter, and faces further financial troubles ahead of the launches of Windows 8, and an unclear future for webOS in the device market. But you don’t care about […]
Jon Rubenstein Leaves HP
The last vestiges of Palm have left HP, as All Things D and multiple other sources have confirmed in the last hour that the former Palm CEO and technical mastermind behind webOS has officially left HP after serving his initial commitment of 12-24 months following the acquisition by HP in 2010 after struggles in the […]

HP Releases Enyo 2.0 As Open Source, Provides Roadmap for webOS
HP today issued two updates on their new mobile open source initiatives. The company made good on its commitment to open-source Enyo, its JavaScript framework that was announced alongside webOS 3.0 last year. In an effort to make Enyo more palatable for widespread use, Enyo 2.0 was released today, along with the source code for […]

webOS Community Testing 2.2.4 Update for Original Pre, Pre Plus
Despite HP not delivering on a promised webOS 2.0 upgrade for all first-generation webOS devices, the webOS community is still at it. While unofficially upgrading the Pre and Pre Plus to webOS 2.0 (via the webOS Internals’ meta-doctor project) is nothing new, progress stalled out at webOS version 2.1. Since then, webOS 2.2 has provided […]
HP Releases New TouchPad Update
HP has released the latest maintenance update for the HP TouchPad following last month’s conformation that it would open source webOS and subsequent confirmation of the update and adds the following features and fixes: Faster switching between Day, Week, and Month views, and faster event display in Calendar. Faster scrolling when reading an email message. […]