AT&T “Offers” To Settle California Small Claims Case with Intimidation Tactics
AT&T offers California man that won small claims throttling case new deal – stay quiet and leave
AT&T Sued Over Unlimited Data Plan Throttling and Loses In LA Small Claims Court
A man in California has successfully sued AT&T Mobility in a Los Angeles area small claims court over the carriers actions against customers that are still paying for the long discontinued unlimited data plans that were eliminated in 2010 in favor of tiered data plans following the launch of the iPhone 3GS. At issue was […]
LightSquared Close to Bankruptcy, Misses Key Payment and Lays Off Workers
The bad news is piling on for embattled network LightSquared, as the company has missed a key payment to satellite network operator Inmarsat as it scrambles to remain in business following last week’s FCC decision to reject the network rollout until the company can reassure the regulator that its planned LTE network will not interfere […]
LightSquared CEO Sued By Investors, Network Rollout Halted by Regulators
After a tumultuous year which saw LightSquared garner attention by attempting to become the first wholesale LTE network powered by satellite arrays and signing on carriers such as Sprint, Leap Wireless and countless virtual operators, Philip Falcone’s attempt to become the Craig McCaw of LTE has been struck dead thanks to the FCC and the […]
Apple Scores Patent Victory in Germany Over Motorola
Apple has prevailed in its current litigation against Motorola Mobility regarding one of its key patents related to the sliding unlock function implemented in both iOS and Android. The decision in favor of Apple was handed down earlier today in Munich and Motorola wasted no time in filing a response which can be read below: […]
New Intellectual Ventures Suit Filed Against AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint
Noted patent holding firm Intellectual Ventures has filed a new suit targeting AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint in regards to 14 unspecified patents that the firm claims are being infringed upon by the three named carriers. The patent holding firm is seeking unspecified damages for the infringements and their counsel has issued the following statement regarding […]
Apple Steps In It, Illegally Threatens Bloggers
Apple has created a PR nightmare for itself after threatening bloggers with legal action. The situation stems from Apple’s communication with a customer, where they are attempting to enforce a non-legally-binding email footer, demanding confidentiality to the email’s communication.
Report: DoJ Now Probing Verizon Spectrum Purchase
Verizon-SpectrumCo deal may hit Department of Justice roadblock, deal submitted to FCC on Monday.
Making Sense of the Carrier IQ Situation
This week, a little-known startup by the name of Carrier IQ became one of the most vilified companies in the world thanks to the enterprising investigative work performed by amateur security analyst Trevor Eckhart who initially discovered the existence of the application when performing work on Android security vulnerabilities last month. Â His initial work, which […]