Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “AT&T Sued Over Unlimited Data Plan Throttling and Loses In LA Small Claims Court”

  1. BJ

    Awesome, keep the lawsuits coming… gotta teach at&t a lesson. Oh wait, make it millions of lessons.

  2. The Limit of Unlimited Plans | Murhost Success

    […] I have been thinking about the topic of unlimited plans lately drawn on the recent publicity of AT&T being sued in small claims court…and losing over throttling the unlimited data plan of a customer in […]

  3. AT&T “Offers” To Settle California Small Claims Case with Intimidation Tactics |

    […] TacticsBy Humberto Saabedra on March 14, 2012Following up on the saga of the California man that successfully sued AT&T Mobility in small-claims court for throttling his service despite being on a grandfathered […]