Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “BlackBerry Tour for Alltel Surfaces”

  1. quad band phones

    Blackberry and all the other brand names will need to step it up as phones from China become more advanced and leave a smaller gap between themselves and the big brand phones.

  2. JFheartsalltel

    Alltel will most likely not be getting this phone. I work at verion and I am high up. Under most concern alltel got bought out by verizon. They signed to be the first one to realese and I would be surprised if they signed for the Alltel Blackberrya too!

  3. Vitalka

    BlackBerry now is taking better position. A lot of people want them to be their loved phone. And nowadays models more stable in comparison with first ones.
    A lot of function was improved in order to give the best things to user.