Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

3 responses to “Verizon Will Add LTE Devices to “Network Optimization” Throttling Policy In October”

  1. Christopher Price

    Just started upgrading all my lines. Two more years before the party is over.

  2. James

    T-Mobile also offers unlimited LTE data access on it’s top plan.

    1. Christopher Price

      Sure, so does Sprint.

      But Verizon has the best coverage in the nation, especially in rural markets. That’s why Verizon’s elimination of unlimited data – at any price, has caused Verizon unlimited plans to be so lusted after (just ask eBay).

      We have, over the years, clashed considerably with Verizon on devices, plans, and pricing – but nobody here at has ever disputed Verizon’s claims to coverage supremacy. We just wish they weren’t so antagonistic to their most informed, savvy end-consumers on everything from unlimited data to bootloaders.