In new photos that have surfaced in Chinese online circles, the existence of a Motorola-branded tablet that heavily features the Droid Xyboard design has been confirmed, but the tablet itself has been put on ice, owing to the relative lack of success for the Droid Xyboard line and to a greater extent, the Xoom series. The tablet was to have featured the same woven Kevlar backplate design as the 2013 Droid series, a rear camera with LED flash along with a 10-inch display at unknown resolution and an HDMI port that was thinner than the iPhone 5.
However, since the failure of the Xoom/Droid Xyboard series, the tablet had been quietly canceled and the new photos are now servicing as proof of what might have been, as the tablet also featured 4G LTE branding and the last two Verizon Droid Xyboard tablets were 3G-only. With these pictures surfacing now so long after the Xyboard series was discontinued and new stock is regularly available on daily deal sites, one has to wonder if this tablet was meant to be the subject of a Droid Does campaign before being shelved.