Humberto Saabedra is the Editor-in-Chief of and an occasional columnist for He can also be found musing on things at @AnimeNewsdotbiz

6 responses to “Virgin Mobile Releases PR Regarding Beyond Talk Changes”

  1. Sprint Confirms Virgin Mobile Plan Changes |

    […] This morning Sprint representative Jayne Wallace confirmed the forthcoming Virgin Mobile Beyond Talk and PayLo plan changes first reported here on last week. The statement given by Wallace also matches the one being given to customers via email in response to inquiries about the forthcoming changes. Read more about how to lock in the current rates at the continue reading link. Update: Virgin Mobile Issues Official PR on Beyond Talk Changes […]

  2. Ben Johnston

    “Existing Beyond Talk Virgin Mobile customers as of July 19 can keep their current plan pricing as long as they don’t let their account expire, and they can upgrade to new devices without incurring additional costs.”

    Does this mean if I open a plan with VM before the 19th I will be able to keep that pricing? Or do I need to have so many months with them already?

  3. Ben Johnston

    I contacted VM about the subject and they told me the same thing. Also, I pre-purchased the TRIUMPH from bestbuy and the rep I was talking to told me that I was put on a list to be able to get the old plan pricing since it is changing before I will receive my phone. I can’t really say this with full confidence because the rep was hard to understand. I will let you know as soon as they get back to me from the e-mail I sent them in questioning them about the phone call.

  4. Adam Young

    I just ordered a VM phone off of eBay for 20 bucks so I can lock in the $25 rate before the 20th.. Crossing my fingers that I can keep the rate once I get the Triumph.

  5. Ben Johnston

    Adam Young- see if you can cancel that purchase. VM actually has a $9.99 phone call TNT! that can be used for that phone plan as well! Or give VM a call and ask them about the list that I think they talked to me about.