After being announced earlier this year, Verizon is set to launch the HTC Droid Incredible 4G Android smartphone for $199.99 after new 2 year agreement and data plan requirement on July 5th. The phone is an overall upgrade to the previous version of the Incredible with the inclusion of 4G LTE access and the following features:
- 4-inch qHD resolution Super LCD display
- NFC chip
- Beats Audio
- Ice Cream Sandwich with Sense 4.0
- 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor
- 1GB of RAM
- microSD expansion slot
- 1700mAh battery
- 4G LTE
- 8MP camera
The phone was previously slated for release on May 17th but was delayed for unknown reasons and possibly related to this week’s plan realignment, as the phone will now be released next week, close the the release timeframe for the more powerful and current Samsung Galaxy S III, which is also priced identically. While the phone is also less powerful than its cousin in the Rezound, it should be noted that the Rezound has yet to be updated to Ice Cream Sandwich despite being released almost eight months prior, though the release for that update appears closer than expected.