Verizon has announced its latest Sony Mobile smartphone in the heavily customized Xperia Z3v, the start of a new partnership with Sony Mobile. The phone features a 5.2-inch full HD display and is waterproof with a 20.7-megapixel camera, compatibility with PS4 Remote Play for mobile gaming with support for the Dual Shock 4 controller and a new controller mount accessory, along with a microSD slot and 32GB of internal storage.
The Verizon variant of the Z3 differs from the global model in that it features Qi wireless charging and exterior color differences. The Z3v will go on sale October 23 at most Verizon locations for $199.99 with a new two-year agreement. For a limited time, customers will also receive a $200 discount if they purchase the Z3v handset and Z2 tablet in the same purchase. Verizon will also sell the Sony Smart Watch 3 later this year with pricing and launch details yet to be confirmed.
So close, and yet, so far. If this was a Z3v Compact, and had a bootloader unlock option, I’d pay full retail in a heartbeat.
Me included. Not too fond of large devices.